Do Not Be Deceived! Diabolical: False Prophets, Cults and Demonic Deceptions 

wolves among us

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Just prior to Jesus’ final Passover, His disciples were shocked when He told them the mighty buildings of Jerusalem would be torn down altogether. Later that evening, in a private moment on the Mount of Olives, they pointedly asked Him, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3).


Jesus did not rebuke or contradict the validity of their questions. Instead, He proceeded to expound on the signs of the times that we are witnessing multiplying before our eyes today.

But, before He addressed the signs, Jesus strongly cautioned them, “See to it that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many” (Matthew 24:4-5). False messiahs clamored for attention in Jesus’ day, but today an exponential rise in cults, false prophets, and demonic deception is leading millions astray.

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And yet, the oft-repeated warning of Scripture still rings true: do NOT be deceived.

My own admonition to each of my teenage children was “guard your heart.” Rest assured, I helped them establish guardrails and stayed very engaged to ensure that they did not go astray. Sadly, millions of Christians—young and old people alike—are going astray, abandoning the faith “once for all handed down to the saints” and flirting with the doctrines of demons.

Scripture tells us this will happen as the End draws near, but it should break our hearts nevertheless. And, like Ezekiel of old, we must contend earnestly for the faith—and for the souls of people flirting with damnation.

So many people are consumed with the social and political forces tearing our society apart. They are oblivious to the spiritual dimensions of the larger, underlying war. In our May/June 2024 edition of the Lamplighter magazine, we shine the light of God’s Truth on these dark forces.

Steel your heart and gird up your loins as we expose the nefarious efforts of our eternal foe. He knows better than anyone that his fate is sealed—and nearing final disposition.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Lamb and Lion Ministries
Lamb & Lion Ministries was founded in 1980 as a non-denominational, independent ministry. The Ministry does not seek to convert people to any particular church. Rather, it seeks to lift up Jesus and draw people to Him as Lord and Savior. The Ministry was established for the purpose of proclaiming the soon return of Jesus. We do not believe it is possible to know the date when Jesus will return. But we do believe it is possible to know the season of the Lord’s return, and it is our conviction that we are living in that season.