Are We Confused About This?
When any Christian ministry imports critical theory and social justice into the mix, then the whole cultural hegemony of Marxism must and will come along with it… including transgenderism.
Read MoreWhen any Christian ministry imports critical theory and social justice into the mix, then the whole cultural hegemony of Marxism must and will come along with it… including transgenderism.
Read MoreIn this season of America’s travail, many think in strictly polarized terms. This is because we have finally found ourselves in a stark battle for good versus evil. If the sixties were the years of free speech, desegregation, peace, and free love, how did the last sixty years carry us to here? Perhaps because the sixties were the launchpad for America’s present dystopia. The lack of a well-articulated objective for the sixties’ radicals has finally reached its inevitable conclusion: It’s never really been about objectives and everything about… chaos.