Articles by Terry James

Armageddon Architects

With growing worldwide pressure surrounding God’s chosen nation in news reports hourly, the word picture drawn by the prophet Joel comes ever-clearer into focus: For,…

Through Peace, Not Force

We receive reports each day that war is about to burst forth, that the world will change instantly when things suddenly go out of control….

The Great Resist

Those of us who believe we are charged by the Lord to be “watchers” on the wall look at the acceleration of stage-setting for prophetic…

Sodom-likeness Grows

The homosexual lobby in the days of Lot in Sodom, according to the nineteenth chapter of Genesis, must have indeed been in control of city government—and of…

When the UFOs Finally Land

Peter Jennings, the late anchor of ABC’s World News Tonight, once remarked the following as host of a television investigation of unidentified flying objects: “We…