Our Nation Under God

The Rest of the Story

Why the Lies? looked at some differences in tone, vision, and content between the two recent political conventions. The first event was primarily lecturing and…

Why the Lies?

Both political conventions are over. They presented a stark contrast in both tone and vision. The first was at times fearful, intimidating, divisive, and deceptive….

Erasing History

The last article presented why corruption has grown in our society as we’ve fallen away from God. Today we’ll take a brief look at how…

Living in Exile

Things just get stranger as the year goes on. This weekend is the July 4th holiday, celebrating the American Colonies declaring independence from Britain. Their…

Weaponizing Deception

Deception is the act of misleading someone using falsehoods—that is, using lies. This subject underlies many of the articles I’ve written over the last seven…