The world must ‘Cut Off the Head of the Snake’ or devolve into a new Dark Age of tyrannical global government
I reported last week on the arrest of a prominent international lawyer who has been investigating and exposing the criminal intent surrounding the unleashing of toxic Covid “vaccines” on the world population.
Today, I discovered another influential man, along with a woman, who might want to watch their backs.
They are Swiss banker Pascal Najadi and Swiss scientist turned WHO-whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger.
Najadi is a prominent former Swiss banker who has called for the arrest of corporate elites and unelected globalist bureaucrats over allegations of “democide.”

According to Wikipedia, democide is a term coined by American political scientist Rudolph Rummel to describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” This definition covers a wide range of deaths, including mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect by governments or those with defacto government powers.
Pascal Najadi, a Swiss merchant banker of Persian discent, has joined forces with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger to demand criminal prosecutions of those behind Big Pharma’s Covid injections, which they describe as “bioweapons.”
They make their case in a new documentary titled Cutting off the Head of the Snake.
You can watch a 5-minute clip from the documentary below, introduced with a chilling warning from Najadi: “Everything evil in the world as relates to democide, unfortunately, comes from Geneva.”
⚠️ #BreakingNews #Viral #Disclosure ⚡️#WHO #MilitaryJustice #CovidCrimes #Geneva 🇨🇭#Suisse #Switzerland #Svizzera #Schweiz #MAGA #Documentary #Short 💫
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With Pascal Najadi & Dr. #AstridStuckelberger, Geneva
“We are the #Guardians of…
— Pascal Najadi 🇨🇭🇬🇧❤️🇨🇭🇫🇷🇰🇳💫✨ (@Najadi4Justice) October 19, 2023
In the film, Najadi and Stuckelberger pull no punches. They confront the new technocratic dark age being cultivated by an evil host of globalist organizations headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
Najadi focuses on the World Economic Forum, which his late father, Hussain Najadi, co-founded along with the globalist German technocrat Klaus Schwab.
Hussain Najadi was assassinated by a gunman in 2013 in Malaysia. His son, Pascal Najadi, became a leading Swiss banker and served as an adviser to global heads of state on financial matters. He continues to wield considerable influence over Switzerland’s political landscape, as evidenced by the fact that he was largely responsible for the recent resignation of Switzerland’s President Alain Berset.
The resignation came after Najadi filed a lawsuit at the Supreme Court of Switzerland against Berset, accusing Berset of making false statements about the safety and efficacy of Covid mRNA injections.
In the documentary, Najadi reveals his late father’s utter disdain for the Geneva-based World Economic Forum that he helped found in 1971 along with Klaus Schwab. His father left the organization in the early 1980s, and Schwab has run it ever since under the initial tutelege of Dr. Henry Kissinger.
Pascal Najadi said:
“Everything evil in the world related to democide unfortunately comes from Geneva. You have WHO [World Health Organization] in Geneva, you have GAVI [Bill Gates’s Global Vaccine Alliance], then you have the WEF, which my father was a co-founder and left Klaus Schwab out of disgust in the early 80s that has diplomatic immunity.”
He added that:
“I, as a Swiss citizen right here, now declare that the WEF is not eligible anymore for diplomatic immunity.”
In the documentary, Najadi urges Swiss authorities to arrest those responsible for advocating a “global humanity injection by a bioweapon.”
This includes the CEOs and top leaders within Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO, and other globalist predators.
In fact, Najadi says he, at the age of 56, and his mother are victims of these bioweapons. He says they are both dying after receiving the injections.
“I call on the Swiss authorities and security to arrest those people immediately. Why? The WEF, WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Bill Gates all advocated a global humanity injection by a bioweapon injecting lipid nanoparticles into 5.7 billion people.”
“And we Swiss are hosting them. That’s terrible.
“We cannot tolerate any entity that promotes poison to be injected into humanity.
“But you have done it. I’m the victim.
“I’m dying from it, and my mother, too.
“It’s a democide and will be judged,” he added. “It will be corrected, in the name of humanity.”
The documentary then switches to Dr. Stuckelberger, who discusses the role of the United Nations in leading the world into global government in partnership with nefarious groups like the WEF, GAVI and the WHO.
Most people inside the United Nations aren’t aware of its purpose, and those who are aware “keep quiet” out of fear, she said. She says the silence is catastrophic for world freedom and calls for both global awareness and action.
Stuckelberger says the Swiss government granted immunity to Bill Gates’s Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization, or GAVI.
GAVI has been funded to the tune of $8.8 billion by more than 50 governments and organizations around the world. Even former President Donald Trump sent the globalist organization hundreds of millions of dollars in 2020.
The U.K. government is the world’s largest donor to GAVI and in June 2020 it committed to giving more than $2 billion over the five-year period through 2025. Representatives from both the Chinese government and the World Health Organization were present at the kickoff event, which also saw a surprise appearance by U.S. President Donald Trump, who said he was persuaded to join the GAVI initiative by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Dr. Stuckelberger described the push to vaccinate the world with Covid injections as a global coup d’état.
“We are trying to build a ‘We the People’ movement that is very global, something completely different,” Stuckelberger says. “But what is going on in Geneva is the opposite.”
At the moment, she said, “there is no right to the WHO to give any orders, to dictate to the whole world like they have done. And the Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization (GAVI) got total immunity from the Swiss government.”
“This is coup d’etat. Clearly, it’s a global crime scene, and we are bringing little pieces of evidence to people with humility. Because in science you always have a doubt. It’s a healthy doubt, and I think that is a very important attitude.”
Their call to action is clear and resonates throughout the documentary: for individuals to stand up, seek the truth, and challenge the status quo, under the banner of guarding humanity against the present and clear danger stemming from Geneva.
They say it will take a collective awakening, urging the masses to rise up against the injustices perpetuated by unelected globalists.
Najadi, in a powerful ending to the documentary, states:
“Swiss neutrality has to be restored. We have no future not being neutral. The young people who survuvie through this, will be the guarantors, hopefully, that such institutions can never again take foothold in our blessed country. Never again. The snakehead is in Geneva. I call it a direct, clear, and present danger to the Swiss population. But I can tell you it is being cut off.
“If you have a house of cards, and this is a house of cards of a criminal, one card pulled by justice and the whole cardhouse collapses.
“But from hope alone, it is not done.
“Everybody must now change their spirit.
“And all the vaccinated, the injected, knowing that they are poisoned… We are the masses.
“We are billions of people.
“Let’s just stand up and say Stop. We will not comply.”
Because we are the guardians of humanity and our light obliterates the darkness of evil. Always.