Get Kids Out of Government School, AZ Education Chief Warns

Alex Newman Diane Douglas

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Alex Newman  Diane Douglas

PHOENIX — Former Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas, who oversaw the state Department of Education, sounded the alarm about what is happening in government schools across America in an interview with Alex Newman.

From dumbing down children and promoting globalism to extreme obscenity and sexualization, she warned that public schools are out of control. It is a battle for the hearts and souls of children.

The best thing parents can do at this point is remove their children from public school in favor of homeschooling or private schools, the former top education official for Arizona explained.

Douglas ran to repeal Common Core, but the powers that be did everything possible to sabotage her efforts. Douglas also made clear that Common Core was not the only problem. “It’s so far beyond Common Core,” she said, warning about a “global agenda” infecting the schools.

“This is part of a 100 year or 150 year battle for the souls of our children,” continued Douglas, who at the time was serving as a leader in U.S. Parents Involved in Education with Newman and others. “John Dewey was very clear, his intent was to change our society and make sure our children were un- or under-educated.”

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Reading is so important because it allows children to learn on their own, without any help or guidance from government. “Frankly, if kids can read and do those basic things, they don’t ever need a teacher again,” Douglas said, celebrating phonics as the correct way to teach it. “They can learn anything they want to for the rest of their lives.”

Despite opposition from the education establishment, she was able to make some progress, such as restoring phonics and cursive while removing obscene literature. But much of the horrible content was preserved, Douglas said, adding that students are taught not even to question evolution or consider both sides of the argument.

The sexualization of children is now one of the most important battles in the state’s government schools, she told Newman, who was reporting for The New American after speaking to a crowd of about 150 people in Phoenix about the danger of government schools.

Douglas also urged parents to get a copy of The New American magazine’s Special Report on “Rescuing Our Children.”

“What took many years to learn, and many many volumes of books, they can get the Reader’s Digest version and understand what we are facing, and how far it goes back,” she said, calling for parents to homeschool or use a private school.

“Understand the battle we’re fighting,” she said. “I wish I had had the courage to homeschool my daughter, but I was chicken at the time.”

This is truly “the battle of our lifetime,” Douglas added.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Alex Newman
Alex Newman is an award-winning international journalist, educator, author, and consultant who seeks to glorify God in everything. In addition to serving as president of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc, he has written for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. Alex has also authored and co-authored several books, including Crimes of the Educators with Dr. Sam Blumenfeld. He has done thousands of radio and TV interviews, including appearances on some of America's top conservative and Christian shows. He has delivered speeches across America and beyond. Alex has lived in 8 countries on 4 continents, and speaks multiple languages fluently. He serves on numerous boards and is always involved in a range of projects. His education consisted of international schools around the world, followed by an Associates degree in foreign languages and a Bachelors in journalism. His passions include the church, freedom, and rescuing children from public school. [To purchase copies of The New American magazine's Special Report "Rescuing Our Children," please click here.]