Globalism is a demonic spirit that has infected every nation, even those least likely to realize a single long-term benefit from it. That would include the United States and Israel. Both of these nations were much stronger when they relied on their own people for manufacturing, supply chains and military protection of secure borders.
But Israel has now agreed to join the U.S. in a diabolical plan to hand over sovereignty on matters of “public health emergencies” to the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO).
Israeli leaders apparently have short memories.
Just three years ago, in May 2019, the WHO passed a resolution accusing Israel of perpetuating a “public health crisis” in the Palestinian territories.
In 2019, a nation accused of having a public health emergency still had the right to disagree with the WHO’s assessment and tell that global body to go pound sand.
That right still exists but is hanging by a thread.
If the U.S.-sponsored amendments to the International Health Regulations get passed by a majority of the 194 WHO member states next week at the WHO’s World Health Assembly in Geneva, the new rules will go into effect in six months, which is in November.
And unless the amendments get watered down or removed at the last minute, the signatories will cede their sovereignty over who gets the final word on declaring public health emergencies to the WHO. The current leadership of the U.S., the E.U., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand and now Israel all think this would be a good idea, as do quite a few other nations.

The U.S. and Israel are weak and growing weaker because they are led by usurpers, global predators — not real national leaders looking out for the interests of their citizens.
Globalists have waged war on the family, the individual, and the nations for well over 100 years, convincing them they didn’t need God and to submit to the man-centered beast system they’ve been erecting, one layer at a time.
The nations are now as ripe as apples in autumn, almost ready to fall off the branch, before they can be plucked up and hauled off for processing by ferocious predators, wolves pretending to be sheep. The globalist usurpers have entered their final phase of destruction before the Great Reset, and only the spiritually prepared will have the strength to cling to the branch (Jesus Christ) and endure until the time when the usurpers, the kings and queens of this counterfeit kingdom, are destroyed and the real King comes for His people.
The below article by Adam Berkowitz of Israel 365 News is brilliant in its depth of understanding. Berkowitz did at least find one politician in Israel who sees this upcoming vote in Geneva for what it is, a power play for global governance. I’m still looking for that one politician to emerge in America.
In four days, the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions that will give them emergency powers over any country they choose. The Biden administration initiated the measures but kept them under wraps until just a few weeks ago when the vote was a foregone conclusion. It was recently revealed that Israel fell into lockstep, backing the measure, though one exceptional politician has become the voice of reason in a government that has run amok.
The World Health Assembly (WHA), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) governing legislative body, will be voting on Provisional agenda item 16.2 in Geneva on May 22. The agenda, described by the WHO under the headline “Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies,” the new agenda would give them the power to unilaterally declare a health emergency in any country, thereby giving them emergency powers. The Biden administration gave these proposed amendments to the WHO on January 18. No one knew this until April 12, less than a month ago. If passed, the resolutions will go into effect in November.
These amendments will empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.
These regulations are a “binding instrument of international law.” UN member states can be required by law to obey or acquiesce to them. Under the new regulations, WHO will not be required to consult with the identified nation beforehand to “verify” the event before taking action.
In a covert manner similar to what happened in the US, the Israeli government intends to support Provisional agenda item 16.2 as well. The only politician willing to speak out against joining in is Moshe Feiglin.
Feiglin is a veteran of Israeli politics and the leader of the Zehut Party. A former member of Likud, he headed the Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) faction within the party and represented Likud in the Knesset between 2013 and 2015. Defined as a libertarian, he is a thoughtful ideologue. At the same time, he has put his ideas into action and led nationwide acts of non-violent civil disobedience.
“This agenda has already been decided,” Feiglin told Israel365 News. “There won’t be any debate or decision process. What has been discussed and said already is only the tip of the iceberg. The actual decision will be far more extreme in removing the rights of the individuals. This decision has nothing to do with world health, and if you read the resolution itself, it is clear that it deals exclusively with the transfer of power. It sidesteps entirely any democratic process.”
“Throughout history, any successful power grab is aided by silence from the people who have the most to lose. Even if they are aware of what is happening. They tell themselves that it really won’t affect them, that the world will not change. The people want to believe the lie.”
“This is entirely a war of beliefs, an agenda to create a new world order of globalism. This is the belief in progressivism versus the belief in God. Progressivism wants to turn Man into God, replacing the Creator, claiming that the world is a result of chance and happenstance and that Creation is made-up.”
On the website Israel Tomorrow, Feiglin described the new agenda as “a totalitarian world revolution that abolishes the whole principle of human freedom.”
“Among other things, the organization will get the right to manage and control the movement of people, imprison them, and restrict them in any way they choose, to demand that they undergo such and other treatments,” he wrote. “The WHO will supervise all objects, facilities, and equipment: suitcases, containers, buildings, bags, etc., and collect information of any kind they want, all under the heading of an international emergency – which will now be solely at their discretion. And to be precise – at the discretion of only one person – the organization’s secretary-general.”
Feiglin noted that Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Meirav Elon Shachar, is expected to vote in favor of the resolution, which will bring Israel into the agreement without any discussion in the Israeli legislature and, thus far, without any mention in the Israeli media.
“In fact, this absurd situation already exists in practice,” Feiglin wrote. “Almost all countries in the world have acted in accordance with WHO policy in the last two years, even though this was ostensibly only a recommendation.”
Feiglin noted that the WHO had generated significant conflicts of interest, most recently when Pfizer corporation, which produced the COVID vaccine, made a significant contribution to the Ministry of Health and its workers’ organization. Pfizer funded the campaign of Dr. Sharon Elroy Price to be the head of the ministry’s public health services division. She then went on to be a powerful advocate for vaccinating Israeli children.
Several larger pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, make significant contributions to the WHO.
In this manner, Feiglin noted, major decisions relinquishing the rights of individuals and even countries are made, giving these rights to unelected officials and company shareholders.
Feiglin explained this process in theological terms:
“In the last decade, humanity has entered the violent phase of the postmodern era. In the Age of Enlightenment, humanity experienced the expulsion of God from the public space, restricting Him in the private space.”
“In this postmodern age, we are experiencing postmodern naivety that grants everyone their own truth, destroying the naive belief that leaves room for the assumption of objective existential reality (i.e., God), replacing it with a violent progressiveness that leaves no room for any truth other than that of the rule of power.”
“It is a revolution that abolishes all of the constructs of human identity, whether it is sexual identity, family identity, or national identity. Globalism claims that human identity is created by men and does not originate in God (who they claim does not exist). God-given identities are evil, in this postmodern age, put in place to enslave women, blacks, LGBT people, and the like.”
“National patriotism becomes primitiveness. We are all rushing towards the global identity and see it as a liberating identity. Journalists do not need to be warned, and, in fact, there is no need to silence journalists. They do this naturally, out of the progressive consciousness from which they operate. Members of the Knesset – if they had known what was happening – would also not have pointed a finger. After realizing that this was an American proposal, they would have understood that this was happening anyway. They understood that opposition to blocking Israel’s support and joining this move would mark them as enemies of progress, deniers of plagues, and the like.:”
Feiglin noted that, ironically, nationalism is returning due to the conflict in Ukraine in a process that points toward global war.
“It seems that humanity will feel the peace of mind of these two sticks, both of the overt national war and the sophisticated progressive one. In a short time, the masks, tests, closures, shots, and other global coercion games will return – and at the same time, we will find ourselves fighting on more fronts – internal and external. We have to fight to maintain zeal, both for our identity and our personal freedom, and for our identity, our national freedom – at the same time.”