Power of Prayer: The Abortion King Repents

Terry Beatley

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Terry BeatleywebTerry Beatley
President, Hosea Initiative
Virginia Christian Alliance, Director
By Terry Beatley and first published in The Washington Times

Self-identified ‘mass murderer’: “I deceived America”

In 2009, my response to the power of prayer led me to New York to meet “The Keeper,” a terminally-ill doctor who self-identified as one of America’s mass murderers and who admitted to setting America on a perilous course. I didn’t understand why God was sending me to meet him, but before leaving the interview my mission had been made very clear: I promised “The Keeper of the Abortion Industry Keys” I would reveal the strategy of his national deception and deliver his personal parting message until it becomes widely known. Keeping this promise has been an odyssey into the warped world of women’s healthcare, population control and judicial fiat. More importantly, though, my journey is a testimony to how the Lord answers prayers as I stay committed to delivering on my promise.

     What had motivated me to meet this doctor? Seven months earlier, a friend referred me to the senior pastor of a primarily black congregation in rural Virginia. We watched Maafa 21, a documentary about black genocide in the 21st century. It explains the genesis of Planned Parenthood and the worldview of its founder, Margaret Sanger who launched “The Negro Project” – a strategy for controlling births of those she deemed less desirable.

     When it was over I nervously asked the pastor what he thought. He pointed his finger at me and said, “I’ll tell you what I think. I will never vote for a pro-choice candidate ever again, for if I do, I’m voting to annihilate my own race and furthermore abortion is just plain wrong. I did not know the truth about Planned Parenthood and Sanger’s ‘Negro Project,’ but I am more convinced than ever that abortion is the ultimate injustice. Terry, all Americans need this information, not just black Americans.” He thanked me for sharing it with him and encouraged me to never quit. I felt as though the Lord gave me a glimpse at what could heal America: renewing dignity to the gift of life because all lives matter.

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     Following our meeting, I prayed for seven months asking the Lord what he wanted me to do. One evening at a 24-hour prayer vigil at my church I sat alone in a peaceful, candle-lit room praying for guidance. Then His answer came—a consistent and repetitive thought: “Go and interview Dr. Bernard Nathanson, the doctor who demanded that Planned Parenthood jump into the abortion trade. Go and interview him.” I was surprised and troubled by this idea. I knew the doctor’s history but I couldn’t imagine why I was being instructed to interview the Father of the Abortion Industry, once known as “The Abortion King.” I argued with God that he had the wrong person for the job. It made no sense to me that a stay-at-home mom from Virginia would even be granted an interview. I lost the argument and two weeks later I was sitting beside the very frail, 83-year old Dr. Nathanson, co-founder of what is known today as NARAL Pro-Choice America, a political action organization.

     Dr. Nathanson deeply regretted unleashing the abortion industry and he desperately wanted our country – and the world – to be liberated from his pro-choice propaganda lies. At the end of the interview I felt a deep sense of compassion for him and asked, “Dr. Nathanson, I know you are too sick to travel around anymore getting your message out. If you have something to tell America, I promise I will carry it for you across our nation. Do you have a message for our country?”

     Pausing to contemplate, he turned and looked at me. Slowly and carefully he responded, “Yes. Yes I do.” He gently implored, “Continue teaching the strategy of how I deceived America, but also deliver this special message. Tell America that the co-founder of NARAL says to ‘Love one another. Abortion is not love. Stop the killing. The world needs more love. I’m all about love now.” I shook his hand promising him that our country will learn the truth. I had no idea how to proceed, but God did. He moved my family to Fredericksburg, Virginia, into a very powerful, pro-abortion state senator’s district. His egregious voting record strongly suggested he was an ally to NARAL and Planned Parenthood and no friend to parental rights or the unborn. Through prayer, God made it very clear I was to help defeat the senator’s bid for re-election.

     Praying in a special place called The Wilberforce Garden became my mainstay. With my knees and elbows in the grass, I cried out to God asking that He would make a way for the senator’s defeat and for my promise to Dr. Nathanson to be fulfilled. Then, the Lord began to answer in the most profound and vivid ways making His presence known. What I didn’t realize was that over the next year as I exposed the aggressive abortion industry and its dependence on elected officials, God was knitting an action-packed story together and the framework for a feature film in which to complete the mission.

     I experienced that the power of prayer should never be underestimated, nor should we worry when He asks us to step out of our comfort zone and onto the water.


Terry Beatley
President, Hosea Initiative
Virginia Christian Alliance, Director




The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Terry Beatley
Terry Beatley made a promise to Dr. Bernard Nathanson (co-founder of NARAL). He gave her his parting message to deliver across America and encouraged her to teach how he regretfully and deceptively paved the way for the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v Wade decision. Explaining the real “War on Women” and the “History of the Negro Project” in her Loving Life Seminars, she shares his story while explaining how the aggressive abortion industry markets promiscuity to children, legislatively destroys parental rights and undermines our Constitutional liberty. She has been interviewed on numerous radio shows including Dr. Richard Land Live, Culture Shock Radio, Katrina, Dominion Radio, Steve Deace Show, and Zeus Radio Network’s “This Is Your Life: Courage to Change” show. Her articles appear in various newspapers including the Washington Times.m.
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