SCOTUS strikes down Roe, giving HUGE victory to pro-lifers; Brace yourselves now for violent left-wing extremism that will shock America and reveal the true face of evil

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The battle for the right to life has only just now begun

Fifty years of blood, sweat and prayers, often watered with tears for the 63 million little victims, has ended in a decisive victory for pro-life Americans today. In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court of the Unites States of America has overturned Roe v. Wade.

With that decision, the federal government no longer has any role to play in the abortion issue. Yes, Joe Biden can issue any executive orders he wants, but the states controlled by Republicans can simply thumb their nose at the madman in the White House and ban the butchering of babies.

It was particularly refreshing to see how many young people in their teens, 20s and 30s were gathered outside the Supreme Court today, celebrating this historic moment. From the pictures I saw, the vast majority were under 40.

I would be remiss, however, if I did not send out warnings of things to come. Don’t be naive and think that the other side is going to lie down now and accept this defeat.

They will not. One thing about any Marxist/communist movement: They never cede back conquered territory. Abortion on demand has become a sacred right — for some it’s even a religious rite — to those on the left, both men and women who want to have sex without any thought of the consequences.

We are about to see what the face of evil really looks like. Here’s what to expect.

Their leaders will call out the shock troops and have them unleash the demonic forces of violence that they so religiously believe in.

Here is just one example of the way they are openly calling for violence and yet we don’t see the slightest rebuke from a Biden’s DOJ or DHS.

But there’s more we need to be aware of.

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Remember this: Only a violent people could accept the murder of babies.

If they were OK with killing the most innocent among us, do you think they will lose a night’s sleep over killing those who made today’s decision possible? Those who fought on the front lines all these years, who prayed out in front of abortion clinics, who counseled pregnant teens to keep their babies and not kill them?


These are the same people who now want to shoot up 6-month-old infants with a toxic mRNA concoction that will kill off a percentage of our youngest generation and sterilize those who manage to survive the endless shots.

If they would do this to babies in the womb and children in their first few years of life, what do you think they will do to you?

These vicious adversaries will now unleash hell’s fury against pro-lifers, and pro-life Christians in particular.

We are about to find out who the real Christians are and who among us were just playing Church.

Why do I say that?

Because for the first time in American history, Christians will be forced to stand on an entirely Christian principle — LIFE — which could actually get them beaten, spat upon, even killed. Just like Christ himself and his apostles were spat upon, beaten and killed.

Every church must prepare now to harden their church doors.

Every pastor and every lay leader must meet together and come up with a plan to protect not just the church building, for buildings will be torched, but more importantly the worshipers, parishioners and congregants.

Even some liberal churches will be attacked, because many of these crazies who answer to aparachiks like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and AOC, will go on discriminant burning, looting and killing sprees. I believe it will start this weekend and who knows how long it will last.

Even within certain churches we will see turbulence, chaos and potential violent attacks by liberal church members against their conservative pro-life brethren.

We must be on a heightened state of alert. Be aware of your surroundings at all times if you are out in public, especially in larger Democrat-run cities. Better yet, stay out of those cities at least until we see where this is heading.

Something you may not even think about, like a Christian bumper sticker, T-shirt slogan or anything could trigger someone under the spell of demonic inspiration to attack you. It could happen at a restaurant, a grocery store, a gas station, anywhere.

I know people are going to say, Leo, why must you always be the “glass is half empty” messenger of gloom and doom.

I don’t relish that role.

When I heard the news this morning about the Supreme Court’s decision, it affected me emotionally like I did not expect it would. I was overcome with joy.

We all knew the decision was coming because it was leaked more than a month ago. Still, when it came down, I felt emotional. My eyes filled up with water. I am so happy that these six justices not only understood the Constitution but had the courage to put their understanding down on paper in the form of a Supreme Court opinion. Thank God for Justices Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Barrett, Kavanaugh and, yes, even John Roberts. A 6-3 decision is much better even than a 5-4 decision. It sends a more resounding message to the nation and to the world. The “right” to murder your baby is no longer the law of the land. Of course no such right ever existed in the U.S. Constitution. It was fabricated out of thin air. The states are now in control of this issue and nearly half will no doubt still allow abortion to be carried out, business as usual.

But in the other half of the states, sanity and common decency will return. Praise the Lord God Almighty, now and and forever!

My only word of caution is for you, my dear readers, to realize that you are now a target of the evil ones. They are violent and they are merciless and they don’t play fairly. We are all targets now. God be with us. Amen. is 100 percent reader supported and does not answer to any corporate sponsors or advertisers. That’s why we can boldly speak the truth, but we do operate on donations so please consider giving, if you are able. Contributions of any size may be sent c/o Leo Hohmann, PO Box 291, Newnan, GA 30264, or via credit card below.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Leo Hohmann
Leo Hohmann is a veteran investigative reporter and author whose recent book, “Stealth Invasion” spent the majority of 2017 among’s top 10 books on immigration. He has spent decades researching and writing about education, immigration, crime, politics and religion. His articles have appeared at, FrontPage Magazine, LifeSite News, Zero Hedge, the Drudge Report, Canon 212, Technocracy News, Canada Free Press, Global Research, Citizen Free Press,, and many other websites and publications. Hohmann has been interviewed by dozens of local and national radio hosts including Laura Ingraham of Fox News, Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review, Larry Elder, George Noory of Coast to Coast, John B. Wells of Caravan to Midnight and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries. His mission has always been to fearlessly report truths about the great issues of our time and connect the dots, wherever they may lead. He also seeks to report issues in historical context so his readers can grasp the greater meaning of the day’s news.