Globalist Agenda

God’s Prophetic Microscope

Conditions in America and the world today puts this generation right at the very end of the Age of Grace (Church Age) and at the point of entering the Tribulation.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28)  

Nuclear Neurosis and Prophetic Prognosis

the anxiety building in regard to fears of World War III and all-out nuclear cataclysm. I agree that it is more than worth a look in these days when there seems to be an unstoppable march toward war among the nuclear powers.

World’s Superpowers Played their Cards in favor of WWIII

So this was a monumental week. The positions of China, Russia and the U.S./U.K./NATO have all been revealed. None appear to be budging off of their demands.Pray for peace. Prepare for war. Because barring a miraculous intervention it looks, at this point, like war is inevitable.

Satan’s Prepping Continues

The devil observably has his collars and chain around the necks of the dogs of government, military, economy, science, entertainment, and especially religionists.

Rising Beast System | Every Man, Woman and Child = Ward of the State

As the globalists tear down our existing food infrastructure, whether it be by converting productive farmland to unproductive, or drastically culling the chicken and turkey flocks under the guise of “bird flu,” they must endeavor to erect a new infrastructure based on CRISPR gene editing and man-made fake food grown in their laboratories.

The ‘Enslave the Planet’ Cult, Guess Who’s in It?

Those gathering at this meeting are among the ones deciding just how the rest of us are going to live our lives, what rights we’ll have (regardless of local constitutions) and how the world will be run. Can you guess which sheep in wolves’ clothing are on the invitation list?