The Daily Skirmish – Extremism In Defense of Election Integrity Is No Vice

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Allow me to introduce you to the nation’s newest ‘domestic violent extremist’. 

The Republican Secretary of State of Louisiana issued directives to preserve 2020 election materials and to take the state out of ERIC, a Soros-funded voter roll maintenance operation which critics deride as a thinly disguised get-out-the-vote effort for Democrats. 

This Secretary of State must now be considered a ‘domestic violent extremist’ under new guidelines from the Department of Homeland Security.  A DHS whistleblower leaked an agency bulletin telling agents people who talk about ‘government overreach’ and ‘election fraud’ are possible ‘domestic violent extremists’ and a threat to law enforcement. 

You might call me a ‘domestic violent extremist’, too, because I’ve been talking about government overreach and election fraud since early Tea Party days, and I’m not going to stop, so come and get me.

There continue to be problems with our elections, and we in the grassroots are not going to stop on that front, either.

Mass mail-in voting causes chaos, as Jimmy Carter reported in 2005, but the practice will continue in some places in the 2022 elections.  You mail out ballots to everyone on dirty voter rolls – including dead people and duplicate registrations – and you end up with millions of missing ballots some of which get stolen and voted by bad actors.  Speaking of dirty voter rolls, a citizens group in Michigan found more than 22,000 active registrations for people who no longer live in the state and should be removed from the rolls. 

Wisconsin lets anyone order an absentee ballot online, which is a recipe for fraud.  A citizen tester got permission from several people to order ballots in their name and elections officials sent all the ballots to his address, no ID needed.  It’s easy to see how this could be scaled up into major fraud.

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Electronic voting machines failed a logic and accuracy test in a recent Colorado county recount.  An elections official falsified machine certification records before an election in New Mexico.  Certification problems have to be fairly common, because I know a grassroots activist who documented shady certification of electronic poll books in my state. 

A poll challenger was thrown out of the big vote counting center in Detroit this month for asking too many questions and pointing out that various rules were not being followed.   A similar problem occurred in the progressive prosecutor recall effort in Los Angeles this week.  Elections officials threw out 27 percent of the ballot petition signatures, causing the petition to fail, whereas only 20 percent of signatures were deemed invalid in the Gavin Newsom recall last year.  So something’s fishy, but election officials wouldn’t allow anyone to observe the process.

Voter fraud continues to be caught and prosecuted, although to a very limited extent relative to the amount of fraud that’s out there.  South Carolina hasn’t had a voter fraud prosecution in 18 years, for example, but Wisconsin has 10 new cases for impersonating voters, voting twice in different states, and other fraudulent activities. A former police chief and a city councilman just pled guilty to buying votes in elections in Louisiana.  Hmm… I wonder if the judge who took the plea is a domestic violent extremist like the Secretary of State.

Finally, Wisconsin State Assembly Speaker Robin Vos squeaked by in his primary, then immediately fired the special counsel he had previously hired to investigate fraud in the 2020 election, bringing the investigation to an end.  The special counsel had found, among other indicia of fraud, up to 100 percent voter turnout in nursing homes, which would include people with dementia.  It’s too bad the investigation won’t be continuing because the Democrats have a long history of committing voter fraud in nursing homes and you can bet they’ll keep right on doing it in future elections in Wisconsin and probably your state, as well. The Speaker in Wisconsin is Republican. 

The GOP establishment across the nation, for some strange reason, is just not interested in uncovering election fraud.  They must like losing.  They will tell you their focus is on future elections, not past elections. This is what you typically get out of RINOs, even though there’s no way to fix the problems with future elections unless you understand what went wrong in the past.  But Liz Cheney’s crushing defeat should show them they are an endangered species.  My national RINO Hunt Team is on the case and we – and election integrity activists more generally – will not quit until we right the ship and restore free and fair elections in this country, whether the RINOs and the Democrats like it or not.  DHS can’t lock us all up.

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About the Author

The above Commentary is from the Chris Wright's Liberato website ( Chris Wright is an independent liberty activist in the leadership of Potomac Tea Party, a national Tea Party based in Northern Virginia. He founded and is president of the first and only nonprofit formed to empower grassroots activists with small financial grants. He founded the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT) in 2013 to counter communist influence at home and abroad. ACAT’s Speakers Bureau has presented to the Heritage Foundation and Leadership Institute, and been on Breitbart and LevinTV. Mr. Wright has also formed a number of national teams fighting the Woke Mob at national historic sites, RINOs, sharia supremacists, and others. His latest initiative is the American Renaissance Network, with the audacious goal of taking down the American Left. “We have not even scratched the surface of what we can do if only we will work together, effectively.” Contact: Websites – American Renaissance Network Potomac Tea Party Liberato.US Anticommunism Action Team