The Daily Skirmish – The Biden Administration’s Proxy War on Free Speech

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The Biden administration is waging a proxy war on our free speech, and now in plain site, read on… 

Hold on to your hats.  We’re going to be learning a lot more about the Biden administration’s efforts to silence free expression through its proxy stooges in Big Tech.

A federal judge just rejected the Biden administration’s attempt to stop depositions of government officials in a lawsuit alleging a wide-ranging conspiracy by the administration and Big Tech to censor free speech.  Anthony Fauci’s deposition is set for November 23rd.  House Republicans sent a letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas calling him out for his agency’s role in censoring free speech. 

More details about that role have come to light.  You might remember the agency’s Disinformation Governance Board that got shut down pretty quickly.  But DHS continues its efforts to curb free speech to this day.  Records from the conspiracy lawsuit, leaked emails and memos, and public documents show DHS pivoted to monitoring social media for the purpose of suppressing ‘misinformation’ the government doesn’t like about a wide range of topics, including the origins of COVID-19, COVID vaccine safety, and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Facebook created a portal for DHS and other government agencies to flag posts they don’t like, for quick action.  The portal is still in operation.  Facebook and the FBI won’t comment.  A previous report showed social media companies remove or post warnings on over a third of posts government agencies flag as objectionable. 

Other agencies are also involved. 

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on its own motion formed a misinformation team and expanded the agency’s mission beyond infrastructure to ‘building resilience to misinformation’.  The agency wants social media platforms to be more responsive to its directives. 

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An FBI official was criticized last year after falsely telling Congress the FBI does not monitor Americans’ social media posts.  The fact of the matter is the FBI has spent millions on social media tracking software. 

Hunter Biden’s laptop shows you clearly why we do not want the government in the business of deciding what is true and what is false.  According to polls, many people would not have voted for Joe Biden if they had known the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop.  But government officials called it ‘Russian disinformation’ and social media companies at the FBI’s urging dutifully suppressed the story before the 2020 election, a decision they now say they regret.  Thanks a bunch.

There’s really no difference between the government suppressing free speech and government officials getting private actors to violate the First Amendment for them. 

That’s called the state actor theory and it’s at the heart of the Missouri Attorney General’s ongoing conspiracy case against the Biden administration and Big Tech where depositions are going forward and will soon give us a lot more information about all these bad actors violating your rights.

But there’s more. 

The federal government paid four private companies to flag so-called ‘misinformation’ on social media during the 2020 election, resulting in the censorship of election coverage from conservative news outlets. 

  • The CDC told Facebook COVID vaccines for young children are safe and effective when there was no evidence of that, all so the CDC could suppress contrary information through Facebook in a campaign to overcome ‘vaccine hesitancy’. 
  • Twitter has a portal for CDC officials to flag COVID-related posts it deems ‘misinformation’.  Documents from inside Twitter show the White House pressured Twitter to ban a New York Times writer who was raising questions about phony government COVID narratives. 
  • Facebook spies on private messages and reports users to the FBI for expressing ‘anti-government sentiments’, whatever that means. 

The Biden administration is waging a proxy war on our free speech. 

The social media giants are only too happy to play along.  

But with 47 more government defendants recently added to the conspiracy lawsuit, the day of reckoning is drawing closer and I, for one, can’t wait to see these overbearing authoritarian government officials and their fascist buddies in Big Tech get hammered for messing with the First Amendment.

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About the Author

The above Commentary is from the Chris Wright's Liberato website ( Chris Wright is an independent liberty activist in the leadership of Potomac Tea Party, a national Tea Party based in Northern Virginia. He founded and is president of the first and only nonprofit formed to empower grassroots activists with small financial grants. He founded the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT) in 2013 to counter communist influence at home and abroad. ACAT’s Speakers Bureau has presented to the Heritage Foundation and Leadership Institute, and been on Breitbart and LevinTV. Mr. Wright has also formed a number of national teams fighting the Woke Mob at national historic sites, RINOs, sharia supremacists, and others. His latest initiative is the American Renaissance Network, with the audacious goal of taking down the American Left. “We have not even scratched the surface of what we can do if only we will work together, effectively.” Contact: Websites – American Renaissance Network Potomac Tea Party Liberato.US Anticommunism Action Team