The untold story of America’s ‘abortion king’ – and one woman’s mission to share his pro-life conversion

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Claire Chretien |  LifeSiteNews

THIS IS AN EXCERPT : February 10 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Many pro-lifers are familiar with the conversion story of former abortionist and NARAL founder Dr. Bernard Nathanson, but fewer know the full story of how he convinced Americans to embrace abortion.

One woman is on a mission to change that because of a promise she made to Nathanson when he was dying of cancer. 

That woman is Terry Beatley, the founder and president of the Hosea Initiative. She got her start in pro-life ministry doing outreach to minority communities, educating them about Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s racist, pro-eugenics agenda.

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 In 2009, “I was just being obedient to the Lord” when the idea to meet with Nathanson came to her, Beatley told LifeSiteNews. She was at a 24-hour-prayer vigil at her church when she asked God what He wanted her “to do with these experiences and this head full of information.”  PLEASE READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE FROM THE SOURCE: LIFESITENEWS

“So they developed what’s called the ‘Catholic Strategy’” to win over Catholics to vote for abortion supporters, said Beatley. Interestingly, she said, “we saw the Catholic Strategy being executed by Tim Kaine during the last political election.”




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