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The Historical Context of the Biafra War
The Biafra War was fought between the predominantly Muslim forces of Nigeria and the Igbo Christian forces of the Republic of Biafra between 1967 and 1970. The Muslims outnumbered the Biafrans by four-to-one in population, and their armed forces, which numbered 200,000 by the war’s end, overwhelmed the 90,000 poorly trained and armed Biafran freedom fighters. The defeat of Biafra was followed by massacres and mass rapes, the burning of villages, and the execution of Biafran soldiers. This wholesale slaughter by a victorious army followed a vicious pattern of violence and murder against a Christian people who wanted their freedom from Muslim oppression.
Christianity and the Igbo People
The Biafrans were mainly Christian Igbos, a tribe that had welcomed the advent of Christianity and who converted in great numbers in the late 19th century. They had already established a reputation as keen traders, and they eagerly accepted the scientific innovations of Britain and other western nations. They became the most advanced of all the tribes in what we now know as “Nigeria,” a state that was artificially formed by Britain—without any regard for religious and ethnic differences.
The Root of Religious Conflict in Nigeria
Being better educated and ambitious, the Igbos were employed by the British as civil servants and administrators. They were sent to serve in the Muslim North and the animist South, and their standard of living was significantly higher than that of their neighbors. Naturally, this inspired jealousy. Furthermore, the Christian faith of the Igbos stirred the ancient hatred that Muslims have for Christians, and for that matter, all infidels. It must be stated that the core teaching of the Koran is in Sura 2:191: “Kill the infidel wherever you find them.” This incitement to mass murder is amplified in Sura 8:39: “And slay the infidel until they submit, and the only religion on earth is Islam.”
The Pogroms and Genocide Against the Igbos
The inherent violence in Islam towards the Christian Igbos was given bloody expression after the British left in 1964. A series of riots in the Muslim North forced many Igbos to migrate back to eastern Nigeria. There was a military coup in early 1966 which brought down the government, and although there were many Christian Igbo officers amongst the plotters, it was not an attempt by the Igbos to gain power. The presence of these Christian officers, however, gave Muslim extremists the excuse they needed to incite their people to rampage against the Christians in the North. There was a pogrom in which Muslims killed over 30,000 Christian Igbos. The remnants of the Christian population fled to the Eastern region, their homeland. (1966 anti-Igbo progrom)
Colonel Ojukwu and the Republic of Biafra
A second coup in July 1966 was led by Muslim officers, and they encouraged the mass killing of Christian Igbos, wherever they were to be found in Nigeria. Colonel Ojukwu, the leader of the Christian faction in the government of Nigeria, decided that the only way for the Igbos to survive was to establish their own state in the East. In May of 1967, Colonel Ojukwu declared independence and founded the Republic of Biafra. The Muslim Nigerian government would not tolerate an independent Christian state, and neither did the British government of Harold Wilson. And there followed a bloody civil war which took the lives of over two million Christian Igbos. It has been rightly called a genocide.
Britain’s Role in the Biafran Genocide
We can observe the formation of an unholy alliance which foreshadowed the future of Africa, and indeed the future of Britain and Europe. It was an alliance formed to destroy Judeo-Christian civilization. The alliance was between Islam, Marxism, and the Globalists. The one thing they all have in common is a demonic hatred of Christianity.
The Unholy Alliance Between Islam and British Marxists
Before the ascendency of Neo-Marxism in Britain, which gained strength in the 1950s, the leaders of Britain were staunch champions of Judeo-Christian civilization, which formed the bedrock of Britain’s greatness. The Bible had been the spiritual source of British laws and morality. Socialists, however, were openly opposed to the influence of the Old and New Testaments and began a campaign to weaken and then eradicate it. Following the Frankfurt School’s strategy, and that of Gramsci, they first infiltrated the strongholds of faith and culture.
The Decline of Judeo-Christian Values in Britain
In the 1950s, the decline of Judeo-Christian values in Britain became increasingly evident. Some prominent voices within the church began to question traditional Christian doctrines, reflecting a growing cultural shift toward secularism. This internal critique was magnified by the BBC and other media outlets, which often promoted content that challenged British traditions and values. These cultural trends fostered doubt and self-loathing among the public, paving the way for the spread of Marxist ideologies and diminishing resistance to societal change.
Modern Parallels: The Aftermath of the Biafra War
The unholy alliance between British Marxists and Islam was established in the Biafra War. If Sir Winston Churchill had been in power, he would have sent a British force to defeat the Muslim Nigerians. He had no illusions about Islam, and the dangers it posed to the West. Britain under a succession of socialist governments since that of Harold Wilson has allowed Islam to establish itself in force. The consequences are : the mass rape of underage girls by Pakistani grooming gangs, uncontrolled violent riots, and rampant crime. The Muslim population, with its high birthrate, will exceed that of native Britons by 2050. If the British do not rise up against this enemy, they will suffer the same fate as the Biafrans, the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Iraq, and many others. (see Migration to UK)
The Call to Remember and Resist
Satan is the common denominator of Islam, Marxism, and Globalism. This triumvirate of evil is the driving force behind the collapse of Judeo-Christian civilization, and it first raised its hideous head in the Biafra War. They combined to cause the genocide of over two million Christian people, and they thought that the world would forget…They were very wrong. There are still enough of us, who stood by Biafra, who will never forget, who will never surrender our duty and right to make this crime against humanity known to the world. Our defiance may inspire many to revolt against the New World Order, against Islam, and against the godless Marxists. If we, who believe in Christ do not fight back, we will lose everything we love, and above all, our freedom. We must not be complacent in the face of evil or it will destroy us.
The Biafra War is not over…The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the God of Jesus Christ, is a God of justice. There will be a day of reckoning when those responsible for the Biafran genocide will pay for their crimes. The truth never dies, and the wheels of God’s justice may grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine. In God I trust, and the victory of Jesus Christ.
The Virginia Christian Alliance recommends “Call it Genocide” by Eric Martin
Call It Genocide: (Biafra’s Quest for Freedom and the Price of Silence) Paperback – December 19, 2024 by Eric Martin (Author) 5.0 5.0 out of 5 stars (1) See all formats and editions The callous mass murder of the Christian Ibo people in Biafra was an atrocity that must never be forgotten. My personal involvement in the efforts to save Biafran refugees revealed the horror of the deliberate eradication of innocent civilians.
Those who perpetrated this horror were driven by a demonic ideology and greed. They wanted the huge oil reserves located in Biafra and gave their support to the more numerous enemies of the Biafran people.
The Biafrans put up a heroic struggle, but the combined arms of the Nigerian government, the Soviets and the British were too much. Defeat came in 1970, followed by slaughter and brutal repression. The world forgot…Who knows about this genocide today? Very few….I am one of them, and I will never forget.