#3 Other Gospels

The John 10:10 Project

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The content and validity of the so-called “Gnostic gospels” is evaluated. Are they authentic accounts of New Testament events? Featuring Lee Strobel, Mark Strauss, CraIg Evans and N.T. Wright. This video is an excerpt from the feature-length documentary THE CASE FOR CHRIST.

For more information = THE CHRISTIAN MOVIE SHOP

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About the Author

The John 10:10 Project
WHAT IS THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT? Contrary to wishful thinking, the Christian life isn’t a free pass to Disneyland. In reality, it can often seem more like a minefield laced with fear, disappointment, anxiety and doubt. Yet, in John 10:10 Jesus promised anyone who follows him the opportunity to know an “abundant” (i.e. blessed, satisfying, meaningful) life. Now, he didn’t say this abundant life would be circumstantially easy (check out the apostles in the book of Acts: tortured, imprisoned, crucified). But Jesus did offer us genuine hope, joy, purpose and inner peace that surpasses all understanding – even when our roof leaks like a sieve or one of our friends battles cancer. So, how do we experience this abundant life when everyday life is often so difficult? Many ideas have been proposed and the best seem to share a similar conclusion: the better we know Jesus, the more we’ll trust him. Trust leads to faith, and faith leads to a life empowered and enriched by the Holy Spirit. The films that comprise THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT were produced to help nurture a deeper understanding of God. Each 4-10 minute video explores a facet of the Lord’s character, promises and power. Think of them as small stepping stones on your pathway to a more abundant Christian life. Each film in this collection is structured for use in personal devotions, Bible studies, outreach and corporate worship. We hope you will find them helpful on your journey.