An Open Letter To CNN – Stop Bashing Christianity

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Come now, Erin, ”weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire.

First published in America Outloud

Terry Beatley | Hosea Initiative


Dear CNN and Erin Burnett,

On your July 12th show, you chose to bash Christian pastors by calling “it very strange” that pastors would touch President Donald Trump’s shoulders as they prayed for him.

I have a message for you: You may have your big-girl CNN show, but your ignorance of 1) the Christian faith, 2) the fundamentals of American liberty, 3) the value system for which Americans must adhere to, and 4) your willingness to attack or mock Christians prove that mainstream media — with CNN out in front — is so detached from America’s Christian-Judeo foundation and the majority of the public. You are banking on the notion that the majority of your viewers will join CNN and mock God’s people.


As an American Christian woman who has no problem laying my hand on the person I’m praying for, I’m no longer going to sit back, shut up and take main stream medias’ religious persecution of Christianity by people and organizations like you. I’m going to lift-up the name of Jesus Christ and proclaim His kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven.  Without Christ, people are going to hell.

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You are so used to Christians turning a cheek, being passive, luke-warm or ill-prepared to defend the faith, but not this woman. I’m ready for a battle – the battle of ideas and a challenge to you to step off your high horse and imagine a world without Christian pastors who pray and lay hands on our leaders.

The God I serve can turn CNN into media dust in moments and He can raise up new forms of media, like America Out Loud, for such a time as this. The God I serve instructed Pastor Rodney Howard-Brown —thirty years ago —to come to America and evangelize and now he advises our President and lays hands on our President for such a times as this. The God I serve says that righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any and all people. The God I serve is sounding a trumpet over America and the Courts will be restored with justices who fear God, not mock him with unjust laws. The lawmakers will relinquish their control over the womb and unborn children will stop being destroyed by unrighteous laws. God-ordained marriage will be restored and faith, family and freedom will prosper in our land.

It will not be because of CNN and your mealy-mouth show. It will be in spite of the left-wing, Marxist-controlled, God-hating media and under our President — who was reminded by the pastors — to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in Donald Trump — through the laying on of hands. [2 Timothy 1:6]

Come now, Erin, ”weep and howl for the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will be evidence against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure in the last days. Behold, the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, are crying out against you, and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on the earth in luxury and in self-indulgence. You have fattened your heart in a day of slaughter.” [James 5:1020]

Erin and the powers that be at CNN: you can hide in your ivory towers, but God reigns and He isn’t done with America yet. The Davids and the Deborahs are awakening, arising and advancing. Our prayers are being answered.

CNN and main stream media is but dust.

Terry Beatley is president of Hosea Initiative and a Board Member of the Virginia Christian Alliance.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Terry Beatley
Terry Beatley made a promise to Dr. Bernard Nathanson (co-founder of NARAL). He gave her his parting message to deliver across America and encouraged her to teach how he regretfully and deceptively paved the way for the U.S. Supreme Court Roe v Wade decision. Explaining the real “War on Women” and the “History of the Negro Project” in her Loving Life Seminars, she shares his story while explaining how the aggressive abortion industry markets promiscuity to children, legislatively destroys parental rights and undermines our Constitutional liberty. She has been interviewed on numerous radio shows including Dr. Richard Land Live, Culture Shock Radio, Katrina, Dominion Radio, Steve Deace Show, and Zeus Radio Network’s “This Is Your Life: Courage to Change” show. Her articles appear in various newspapers including the Washington Times.m.
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