Articles by Alex Newman

UN Seeks to Delete ‘Human Rights’ from World Health Regime

That is just one of the major red flags. Another: a plan to impose a global health and vaccine ID passport for everyone on Earth. “This has to stop now,” said Roguski. This is all in tandem with the empowerment of the WHO and its boss, a “former” communist terrorist leader, to declare public health emergencies.

Energy Crisis Being Engineered for Evil Purposes

The Deep State is engineering a major energy crisis that may make life very difficult this winter across large parts of the Northern hemisphere, even in the United States, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State.

Deep State Uses & Creates Crises to Enslave You

Throughout the centuries, totalitarians have created and exploited crises to advance their objectives, and over the last century, the Deep State has done it repeatedly, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State.