Articles by Virginia Christian Alliance

The USDA’s War on Small Farms

If conservatives and libertarians care about competition for small farms, they should support defanging the federal bureaucracy used by large corporations to capture markets. The USDA should have its regulatory powers removed, and the ability to provide safety in food should be returned to the market. Markets provide a far more welcoming place for producers and a far safer result for consumers.

Who’s Really Profiting off the Sex-Scandal Candidate? Plus, Courageous Student Confront NCAA/VHSL

We now have the distinction in Virginia of having a candidate for the General Assembly who has performed sex acts online for money. This isn’t pleasant to discuss—and yet it does need to be addressed, because not only does it reveal the fallout of a “sexual liberation” culture, but also the fact that major abortion groups are proudly defending this candidate. And it sheds light on corporate media complicity with leftwing politics.

Even if it means doing something. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from…