Articles by Virginia Christian Alliance

Threats Don’t Go Well in a Small Town

One half of this country believes that violence and coercion in service to progress is acceptable; the other half of the country is tired of Lucy and the Football.
In short, folks are tired of being decent in the face of the rude and vulgar — and they are starting to draw some very clear lines.

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Technology Presents AI Jesus

Field of Dreams Do you remember the movie Field of Dreams with Kevin Costner? If you are unfamiliar with the movie, Costner plays a farmer in Iowa,…

Illinois MassResistance parents halt months-long lurid “Drag Queen” invasion in their town. Overcame pressure from Governor, State Rep, and ACLU.

Some parents attended a few of the Drag Queen shows at the bakery. What they saw was ghastly: a celebration of a sexual fetish. The Drag Queens were weird men in women’s clothes prancing around and dancing suggestively, using lot of four-letter words and other profane language. There were strange-looking adults and innocent-looking children in attendance.