Biden-Harris Administration ‘Courting World War III,’ Putin Warns Washington ‘Playing with Fire'”

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 Americans Unaware of Imminent Nuclear Threat with Russia

The U.S. administration seems hell bent on starting World War III before they leave office. And, strangely, Americans seem to be completely unaware of just how close we are to nuclear war with Russia.

Secret Missile Shipments Escalate U.S. Involvement in Ukraine

M. Dowling posted the below short piece at The Independent Sentinel and she is spot on. Nobody seems to be paying attention to the flagrant provocations our government is engaging in visa ve Russia, Iran, and China. Washington appears to be searching the world for a country that will engage it in a major war. If the American people knew just how close we are to full-on World War III and potential nuclear annihilation, they would be storming the Congress in a way that would make January 6 look like a picnic in the park.

The Biden-Harris regime will likely send longer-range missiles to Ukraine that can hit deeper inside Russia. Moscow has warned the US is “playing with fire” and risks World War III.

The U.S. is openly courting World War III.

Russian Officials Warn of Retaliation Beyond Europe

In April, the US secretly shipped Ukrainian forces for the first time using a longer-range version of weapons known as ATACMS. Ukraine struck an airfield in Crimea and Russian troops in southeastern Ukraine.

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The U.S. is close to an agreement to give Ukraine long-range cruise missiles that could reach deep into Russia. Kyiv might have to wait several months as the U.S. works through technical issues.

Three sources said the inclusion of Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM) in a weapons package is expected to be announced this autumn. Allegedly, a final decision has not been made. The sources declined to be named because they were not authorized to discuss the topic.

Sending JASSMs to Ukraine could significantly alter the strategic landscape of the conflict. It will put more of Russia in the range of powerful, precision-guided munitions.

Military analysts have suggested the introduction of JASSMs – which are stealthy and can strike further than most other missiles in Ukraine’s current inventory – could push Russian staging areas and supply depots back by hundreds of miles. They could also start World War III. Ukraine has already hit civilians and are likely to do it again.

Retaliation Will Be in the U.S. and Europe

Russia says the West is playing with fire by considering allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles. Last Tuesday, Russia again warned the United States that World War III would not be confined to Europe.

On Friday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Washington is about to lift its ban on Ukrainian strikes deep inside Russia with US weapons. She believes the US is in direct war with Russia. Foreign Minister Lavrov warned that Russian retaliation wouldn’t only be in Europe.

By the way, our borders are still open.

It looks like the Biden-Harris administration possibly plans to start World War III. At least, that is what Russia thinks, and that is what matters.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Leo Hohmann
Leo Hohmann is a veteran investigative reporter and author whose recent book, “Stealth Invasion” spent the majority of 2017 among’s top 10 books on immigration. He has spent decades researching and writing about education, immigration, crime, politics and religion. His articles have appeared at, FrontPage Magazine, LifeSite News, Zero Hedge, the Drudge Report, Canon 212, Technocracy News, Canada Free Press, Global Research, Citizen Free Press,, and many other websites and publications. Hohmann has been interviewed by dozens of local and national radio hosts including Laura Ingraham of Fox News, Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review, Larry Elder, George Noory of Coast to Coast, John B. Wells of Caravan to Midnight and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries. His mission has always been to fearlessly report truths about the great issues of our time and connect the dots, wherever they may lead. He also seeks to report issues in historical context so his readers can grasp the greater meaning of the day’s news.