Blank slate: How Charlottesville government schools leftist-indoctrinate subject children

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Instead of teaching students how to think, Charlottesville City Schools (as leaders in a pervasive national trend) are teaching students what to think.

Undoubtedly, many parents of children who are subject to Charlottesville government schools delight in the ongoing leftist indoctrination of their offspring.

There also is a silent minority who vehemently object to these teachings, but thus far have refused to speak against or remove their children from the daily proselytization sessions.

And, then there are those who are woefully ignorant of the taxpayer-funded brainwashing routinely taking place in Charlottesville schools.

The February 4 Charlottesville School Board meeting featured a formal presentation on the division’s advancing race and gender affirmation programs (for kindergarteners on-up), which exemplify perfectly the schools’ headlong assault on tomorrow’s adults.

Slide 1: Introduces the subject under the title of Antiracist/Anti-Bias Social Studies Education. There is no apparent critical evaluation of the premise behind the title, but the “Antiracist” agenda is partially premised on Anti-Americanism and Anti-capitalism, as it seeks to undermine foundational American principles and trust in free markets.

Slide 2
: Calls for “every ‘identity’ to be validated.” But, who is doing the validation? And will they really include “every” identity—or just those which are politically favored? Will climate realists, Southern heritage, Constitutionalists, evangelical Christians, Trump supporters, etc. be welcomed or repudiated in Charlottesville City Schools?

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Slide 3
: Focuses on political and racial preparation for teachers and the implicit conformity-in-belief sought by school division overlords.

Slide 4
: Takes first-graders down the quixotic path of entitlement-to-fairness in life. Interestingly, the subject encompasses “Vinegar Hill”— the destruction of a black Charlottesville neighborhood by white Charlottesville Democrats. Fourth-graders get a lesson in “cancel culture” wherein they decide “what’s worth remembering.” Perhaps they can decide to forget that Democrats destroyed Vinegar Hill.

Slides 5 and 6
: Attack America’s founders as “protectors” of slavery, and by extension, racists. This deliberate undermining of foundational principles, makes it easy for these students to embrace and ultimately vote for socialism and socialists.

Slide 7
: Continues the Anti-American narrative (“Did the Constitution establish a just government?”), and promotes divisive multi-culturalism at the expense of a common, unifying American culture (“How do culture and identity make a person unique and special?”).

Slide 8
: Introduces the deliberate co-mingling of race and sexual/gender identities and the schools’ intention to “normalize” discussions of such. This approach and these teachings can contradict traditional Biblical Christianity. While many non-minority Christian families have abandoned government schooling in Charlottesville, most minority Christian families do not have the means to self-educate and thus are captive to the inculcation of these contrary concepts.

Slide 9
: Shows how student work in these subjects/concepts will not only be “scored” but also “tracked.”

Slide 10
: Links to a video Q&A with Charlottesville activists (government school students) and Charlottesville Vice Mayor, Sena Magill. Notably, Charlottesville City Schools “coordinator,” Neely Minton, screen-references “her” preferred pronouns.

Slide 11
: Opens the floor to questions. While there are many challenging and thoughtful inquiries that could be made regarding the presentation, it is unlikely that any of substance were posed.


This presentation was a rare public glimpse into the everyday classroom workings of Charlottesville City Schools—and it provides insight into the programming mechanisms being used. Yet it is likely just the tip of the indoctrination iceberg looming at the port bow.

In the absence of true school choice, as go the nation’s schools, so goes the nation. Parents concerned for their children’s future (and for that of America) would be wise to note these pernicious efforts—and to act promptly and accordingly.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Rob Schilling
Rob Schilling is founder of the multi-award-winning Schilling Show Blog and News, proprietor of Schilling Show Media; host of both the Schilling Show Unleashed Podcast and WINA's The Schilling Show heard weekdays at noon; husband; father; worship leader, Christian recording artist and Community Watchdog. He can be found on Facebook and YouTube.