Obedience to God

Whose Kingdom is it Already?

Who, or what, is really shaping our worldview? J. Jeff Toler, for Shenandoah Christian Alliance Worldview – noun A network of ideas and presuppositions which individuals hold…

From One Child to Another

“Operation Christmas Child is great to use as an outreach to share the gospel with your community,” Amie said. “It exposes children to the gospel on this side of the box.”

On Earth As It Is in Heaven

The dominion mandate in Genesis 1:28 has not expired. God has given the world into the hands of mankind, and when Christians take part in this dominion the world should see life flourish.

The Gospel of Intolerance

A prophetic message – either one that confronts the sins of the culture or simply proclaims the exclusivity of Christ as Savior and Lord – often produces a terrible backlash from the culture that bears the brunt of it, and that reaction can cause the church to shrink back from its prophetic calling.