Crises Exploited to Expand Government Control Amid Left-Right Divide

government control

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Globalist power elites continue to play us by creating an atmosphere of crises and then leveraging the left-right divide to implement more government control

Globalist power elites continue to play us by creating an atmosphere of crises and then leveraging left-right divide to implement more government control

The Post Millennial has a new article up about Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who was announced Tuesday as Kamala Harris’s vice presidential running mate, and it’s not a very flattering picture of a man who might be even more stupid and more open to being manipulated than Harris herself, if that’s possible.

Walz’s Response to the 2020 Minneapolis Riots

As the City of Minneapolis burned in the summer of 2020, Walz spoke to Minnesotans about “institutional racism” and his complicity as “a white man.”

The Post Millennial writes:

“He fueled the fires of the riots by giving power to the people in the streets, asking them to stop burning things down instead of using law enforcement tools to tell them to. When Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey requested the National Guard on May 27, 2020, two days after George Floyd’s death, Walz said he would consider it. As the city burned, he took his time on sending in the National Guard, instead telling rioters their pain was justified and praising the cell phone user who filmed George Floyd’s arrest on that fateful day in May. Minneapolis rioters torched their city, with some buildings burning to the ground. Fire crews and cops were not out preventing damage.”

Walz’s Focus on Institutional Racism

Here is Walz speaking in 2020 to a group of minorities during the riots and wanting to keep the focus, not on quelling the violence, but on “institutional racism” of white people.

Walz’s Apology for His Race

Here he is again, in the same speech, apologizing for his race as a “white man.”

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Analysis of Walz’s Leadership

These clips speak for themselves. They show a man more concerned about pandering to certain voting blocs than a leader trying to do the right thing.

The Post Millennial writes:

“Walz signed the order to deploy the National Guard, but not until the damage was done. It was after he begged people to leave the streets and stop rioting, and they did not, that he sent in law enforcement.”

Walz’s COVID Policies and Cultural Subjugation

Walz set up a government snitch line during the Covid plandemic, in which citizens were encouraged to turn in their friends and family members who weren’t following the insidious new rules.

Walz also shows himself to be a dhimi (a byproduct of dhimmitude) under the subjugation of a foreign culture. He even agreed to change the Minnesota state flag to one modeled after that of Somalia, home to the thousands of Somali refugees pumped into Minnesota over the last 30 years by the United Nations in cooperation with the U.S State Department and a host of NGOs.

Walz’s Two-Tiered Legal System

Walz has perpetuated a two-tiered legal system in cooperation with his Muslim attorney general. He’s your classic weak leader who allows himself to be controlled by power elites. The perfect match for Kamala Harris, who is perhaps not as weak in the knees but every bit as manipulable due to her sheer stupidity.

Prayers for America

Pray for Minnesota and other subjugated states like Michigan, Illinois and New Jersey, along with a longer list of states that are not yet fully subjugated but well on their way down that path. Pray for all of America. We are under attack by globalist power elites and they have many puppets in offices who are willing to do their bidding, which is to destory what’s left of our free republic.

The Globalist Divide and Conquer Strategy

These power elites are using both sides, left and right, Democrat and Republican, in a game of divide and conquer that, if successful, will end in martial law, crackdowns on free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement, freedom of religion, and freedom to keep and bear arms — basically everything that Americans hold dear.

Jamie Raskin’s Warning and Future Scenarios

Listen to Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin describing a scenario for the upcoming election that will end in martial law and government clamp-downs on all dissidents.

The globalists are implementing the exact same divide and conquer strategy right now in the United Kingdom. Three British girls were recently knifed to death by the son of a migrant family from Rwanda, causing justified outrage over the country’s lax immigration policies, then when people have finally had enough of their family members being raped and killed, they start to exercise their rage, but it’s too late. Enter new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer who blames his own people and uses the unrest to justify a “crack down” on freedom of speech and assembly. So predictable.

Government Control =The Inevitable Loss of Freedom

Watch for the same type of scenario coming soon to America, where the globalist insiders exploit a controversial event, real or manufactured, in a way that ends with more power given to the government and less freedom for the people. It worked so well with Covid that they will keep doing it again and again until enough people finally wake up and are able to identify the real enemy of their families, their communities, their individual souls.

But, at some point, it won’t matter. It will be too late because too much power will have already flowed in the wrong direction, out of the hands of the people and into the hands of the globalists and their puppets.


Further Reading:

Globalists Mission: Turn Americans against Each Other

8 Signs The Control Agenda Of The Globalists Is Rapidly Moving Forward



The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Leo Hohmann
Leo Hohmann is a veteran investigative reporter and author whose recent book, “Stealth Invasion” spent the majority of 2017 among’s top 10 books on immigration. He has spent decades researching and writing about education, immigration, crime, politics and religion. His articles have appeared at, FrontPage Magazine, LifeSite News, Zero Hedge, the Drudge Report, Canon 212, Technocracy News, Canada Free Press, Global Research, Citizen Free Press,, and many other websites and publications. Hohmann has been interviewed by dozens of local and national radio hosts including Laura Ingraham of Fox News, Daniel Horowitz of Conservative Review, Larry Elder, George Noory of Coast to Coast, John B. Wells of Caravan to Midnight and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries. His mission has always been to fearlessly report truths about the great issues of our time and connect the dots, wherever they may lead. He also seeks to report issues in historical context so his readers can grasp the greater meaning of the day’s news.