Daily Skirmish – How to Steal an Election

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Today, I’m going to tell you how to steal an election.  Everything I’m about to tell you comes from recent documented findings about problems with the 2020 elections.

If I wanted to steal an election, one thing I would do is engage in ballot harvesting, which is illegal in many places.  A citizens’ group found, in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, perhaps 7 percent of ballots put in drop boxes were in batches, not single ballots, and therefore illegal.

If you extrapolate this out across the country, it could have been 5 million illegal votes in the 2020 election.  

A Wisconsin state senator filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Elections Commission alleging the city of Racine is currently intentionally ignoring the law and court rulings by allowing people to return ballots for other voters.  The problem with ballot harvesting is you don’t know the circumstances under which the ballots were obtained, perhaps fraudulently or under pressure, or maybe they are completely made up, you just don’t know.  Doesn’t sound like a free and fair election to me. 

In fact, there’s surveillance video and cellphone evidence in Georgia of 2,000 mules dumping multiple ballots into drop boxes while wearing latex gloves and disguises in 2020.  Not only that, they stopped off at Stacey Abrams’ headquarters and Democrat offices between runs where, it is thought, they picked up the ballots.  Does that sound like a free and fair election to you?  Before you answer ‘yes’, you should know an official investigation is ongoing. 

Another thing I would do to steal an election is make sure the voter rolls were as dirty as possible.  There’s been an awful lot of resistance in recent years from elections officials who just do not want to clean up the rolls.  For example, 60,000 voters on North Carolina’s rolls are dead, registered twice, or enrolled in another state, according to a new public interest law firm report.  If you’re going to steal an election, you need dirty voter rolls to supply names of real registered voters who haven’t voted to which to assign all the fake votes you generate, so things tally and look kosher at the end. 

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Speaking of fake votes, remember the truck driver who courageously stepped forward and told the nation he had hauled 288,000 suspicious ballots from New York to Pennsylvania in the 2020 election?  The U.S. Postal Service still refuses to release its investigative report on the matter.  What’s up with that?

If I wanted to steal an election, I’d get a billionaire friend of mine to dump $400 million into thinly disguised get-out-the-vote drives for Democrats.  Mark Zuckerberg did that in the 2020 election, with just enough money going to Republican areas so that the people involved in the effort could think they had covered themselves.  But the chickens are coming home to roost.  Milwaukee city officials have just been accused of election bribery in accepting grants from a Mark Zuckerberg-funded organization, according to a complaint filed with the Wisconsin Elections Commission.  The Zuckerbucks story isn’t over, not by a long shot.

Another thing I would do is rig the machines.  You might recall that a court-ordered forensic audit of electronic voting machines in Antrim County, Michigan found the machines deliberately created a 68 percent error rate right off the bat.  What’s that about?   More recently, an examination of machine ballot images in Colorado showed new databases were created partway through the 2020 election, enabling the machines to essentially keep two sets of books.  The examiners further found the numbers did not add up and the log files were overwritten, not accidentally but extensively.  No wonder people want to go back to paper ballots and laws have been passed in some states to keep the machines from connecting to the Internet.

There’s lots more I would do:  count absentee ballots anyway even though the signatures don’t match what’s on file; get felons to vote illegally; and get school administrators to sweep student records to find more votes for Democrat candidates. 

After I did all these things, I would turn around and claim we just had the most secure election ever.  The bigger the lie, the more believable it is, that’s Propaganda 101. 

All kidding aside, we on the grassroots political Right are not going to let the 2020 election go.  We are not going to just ‘move along’.   We want all the documented problems run to ground and fixed.  The way I hear the story, $20 to $30 million dollars has come from big donors on the Right to fix these problems.    That’s buying an awful lot of vigilance now and new efforts from the professional Right to ensure election integrity cross my desk several times a day.  So, if Democrats want to steal elections in the future, they’ll need a whole new bag of tricks.  And we’re watching – closely – so good luck with that.

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About the Author

The above Commentary is from the Chris Wright's Liberato website (http://www.liberato.us/). Chris Wright is an independent liberty activist in the leadership of Potomac Tea Party, a national Tea Party based in Northern Virginia. He founded and is president of the first and only nonprofit formed to empower grassroots activists with small financial grants. He founded the Anticommunism Action Team (ACAT) in 2013 to counter communist influence at home and abroad. ACAT’s Speakers Bureau has presented to the Heritage Foundation and Leadership Institute, and been on Breitbart and LevinTV. Mr. Wright has also formed a number of national teams fighting the Woke Mob at national historic sites, RINOs, sharia supremacists, and others. His latest initiative is the American Renaissance Network, with the audacious goal of taking down the American Left. “We have not even scratched the surface of what we can do if only we will work together, effectively.” Contact: tips@liberato.us Websites – American Renaissance Network Potomac Tea Party Liberato.US Anticommunism Action Team