Day 12: Rejecting Technocracy

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Having just written eleven essays showing how Technocracy is a malignant cancer growing at breakneck speed all around the world, and especially in the United States, I will not sugar coat either the problem or the solution.

Four years ago, I wrote my first book on Technocracy, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation. I purposely used the term “Trojan Horse” to express that this has been a well-disguised sneak attack from the very beginning.

Today, the trap door is open and the attackers are pouring out. They are in plain view, working their craft to ensnare us into a Scientific Dictatorship.

Yet, Americans continue in oblivion, distracted by every imaginable political sideshow that has no substance, and entertained by a constant parade of bread and circuses.

Our epitaph could well read, “America: Alas, She Died In Her Sleep”.

In the meantime, there are thousands of Americans diligently defending their local communities from the various tentacles of Technocracy: Smart Grid, property rights abuses, 5G rollout, government mandated vaccinations, surveillance cameras, global warming and so many more.

To have any significant impact to actually STOP Technocracy, this force needs to replicate itself at scale and with great speed.

It is essential to understand that the national government will not and cannot save your local community, city or county. Washington is already swimming with Technocrats who are using the Federal apparatus to promote Technocracy throughout America. The last and only line of defense is in your local cities, towns an counties. This successful strategy has been proven time and time again, and it works.

Target The Achilles Heel

In Day 6: Technocracy’s Necessary Requirements, I listed the original items that need to be in place for Technocracy to take hold. These requirements were clearly stated in the Technocracy Study Course and they are just as valid today as they were in 1934.

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To the extent that we can block or scramble any of those requirements, we can deal a serious blow to advancement of Technocracy and Technocrats. Thus, it is imperative to focus on these things:

  • Smart Grid, Smart Meters, Alternative Energy – There is no doubt that the national power grid needs to be updated, but not in a way that seeks to control energy. There is no energy shortage and there is no demonstrated need for “alternative energy”. Stop those plans. Expose them. Educate your local officials to not fall prey to the false narrative that the world will end in 12 years if they don’t take action. Demand that your local and elected officials personally write all city and county ordinances and block outside lobbyists from having any foothold.
  • 5G rollout and Internet of Things – If Technocrats fully implement 5G, artificial intelligence programs will take over the Internet of Things. By stoping 5G Small Cell antennas from being erected in your community, you could deal a fatal blow to near-term plans for Technocracy.
  • Surveillance cameras, license plate readers, militarization of police – Again, these are local issues that can only be addressed locally. Demand that your local leaders re-cast your law enforcement as peace keepers instead of military wannabes. Do not trade security for privacy.
  • Demand data privacy – Your local officials can create and pass binding resolutions that literally tie technocrats in knots when they are denied free access to your data. Your city exists to protect the rights of its citizens; make them work at it!
  • Reject regionalization – Most UN policies for Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, are imposed through regional governance entities called Councils of Governments. These are organizations are patently unconstitutional and you should demand that your city, town and county withdraw from and reject all such regionalization.
  • Education reform in your local schools – Any and all outside influence over education and curricula must be rejected, with control being returned to parents and local teachers. If they refuse, encourage everyone in your community to get their children out of government schools and into private or home school situations. As documented in Day 10: Technocracy and Education, human conditioning promoted by Technocracy is toxic and NOT eduction.

This is not an exclusive list, and I will reserve the right to edit or add to this article in the future. However, I hope you get the idea that you have the power in your hands to make immense changes in your local community that will stop Technocracy and Technocrats dead in their tracks.

Turn off the TV. Quit wasting time shaking your fist at Washington theatrics. Get up. Get out. Meet people where you live, shop, raise children, etc. Make a difference. Sure, you may get some resistance, but I can virtually guarantee that you will be shocked by the numbers of fellow citizens who are thinking the same as you are.

Despite our efforts to the contrary, it is possible and perhaps even probable, that Technocracy will win and throw us into a Scientific Dictatorship from which there is no escape. On the other hand, Americans have overcome seemingly insurmountable enemies in our past, but only to the extent that we came together as AMERICA and threw off the forces that sought to bury us.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Patrick Wood
Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton. Wood remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order” which is the essence of Sustainable Development on a global scale. An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American Constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a Biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom. Such attacks are epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core State Standards. Wood is a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the nation. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony, focusing on Technocracy, Transhumanism and Scientism, and how these are transforming global economics, politics and religion.