Western civilization faces its deepest crisis since the resurrection of Jesus Christ according to former U.S. Attorney General William Barr told a Christian conference in Chicago, Illinois, last weekend.
“That’s because our whole civilization is based on the Judeo-Christian tradition, and that tradition is under sustained attack by increasingly militant secular forces,” Barr said. Among such forces, Barr said, were the many so-called “progressives.”
Barr, who recently served as the country’s top attorney in the Trump Administration, attended the 2022 Issues, Etc. “Making the Case” Conference at Concordia University Chicago as a keynote speaker with six other doctors and reverends.
During his segment on Saturday, Barr told the audience about what he believed was a threat to the entire western world: the U.S. public school system — which seeks to control how children are raised while creating a hostile environment for traditional religion, The Federalist reported.