Seven pregnant women broadcast their babies’ heartbeats to an entranced crowd at Walk for Life West Coast. (Photo by: Jose Luis Aguirre/Walk for Life West Coast.)
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 26, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Two former Planned Parenthood workers and five other pregnant women held megaphones to their bellies to broadcast their unborn babies’ heartbeats to an entranced crowd in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza for the 15th Annual Walk for Life West Coast rally today.
Abby Johnson, who became a national figure because of her dramatic decision in 2009 to leave Planned Parenthood after eight years, stood on the stage with Patricia Sandoval, who also worked for Planned Parenthood. Both women said it was working at Planned Parenthood where they realized the hard facts of abortion—and became prolife.
“I aborted three of my own children,” said Sandoval, the California born daughter of Mexican immigrants, who blamed aborting her children for a descent into homelessness and drug abuse at a very young age. “It was there working for Planned Parenthood that I saw the truth,” Sandoval said, when she asked to see the bag that carried the remains of an abortion. “The first thing I saw was a hand and the fingerprints,” Sandoval said. The merciful outreach of a woman who saw her homeless, crying in despair, outside a restaurant and told her Jesus loved her was Sandoval’s miracle recounted in her book “Transfigured.”
Abby Johnson, who left as director of a Texas Planned Parenthood clinic, and joined 40 Days for Life, is pregnant with her eighth child with husband Doug. The movie “Unplanned” due for release in March tells the story of her two abortions, her rise through the ranks at Planned Parenthood and her sudden decision to leave.
Johnson founded And Then There Were None, devoted to helping abortion clinic workers leave. More than 500 have left, she said. “Our goal is simple, we seek to end abortion from the inside out,” Johnson said.
The prolife supporters began their more than two mile walk toward the city’s Embarcadero on the words of local preacher Walter Hoye, who got a rousing “Yeah” from the crowd as he asked “Does God love you? Does God love your baby? And will we help them?”
Hoye, with his wife Lori, was one of the original organizers of the Walk for Life which was founded to proclaim that all life is precious, with the slogan “Abortion hurts women.” Each year the walk and rally are held on a Saturday close to the anniversary of the January 22, 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.
The day began with a special Mass and a papal blessing conveyed at St. Mary’s Cathedral by San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone who told the approximately 4,000 Catholics crammed into the church that the lie of abortion is part of our society “reaping the fruits of 50 years of cultural revolution.”
“If everyone decides for themselves what is true, there is no truth,” Archbishop Cordileone said.
For more information, walkforlifewc.com
#walkforlifewc #WalkForLife #WFLWC #babiessavingbabies
SOURCE Walk for Life West Coast
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