Churches In the Crosshairs of Jihad | A Security Summit for Pastors, Police and Citizen Patriots

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*https 2F2Fcdn.evbuc.com2Fimages2F318350912F1560665024172F12Foriginal* Brought to you by
Black Robe Regiment of Virginia
Understanding the Threat
Family Research Council
Church Security Institute
Thursday, June 8
8:30 to 2:30 pm
Shepherd Gate Church (
4310 Pleasant Valley Road
Chantilly, Virginia 20151

** Law Enforcement Free with Credentials!

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On April 24 in “Threat Assessment in the Domestic War,”
former FBI agent and founder of Understanding the Threat
John Guandolo wrote,

“The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) is overseeing the national consolidation of Islamic forces including individual mosques, regional councils and USCMO leadership. The USCMO is solidifying communications and logistics coordination, as well as assisting in preparations for confrontation. Mosques and Islamic Centers are organizing for armed confrontation with law enforcement, shoring up physical defenses where they see likely confrontation, and increasing pre-attack surveillance of churches and other targets.”

The following stories reported over the last 15 months, support Mr. Guandolo’s

Islamic State Supporters Call for More Suicide Attacks Targeting Christians
Following Egyptian Church Bombings, Klein, Aaron and Waked, Ali (11 April 2017), Breitbart, viewed at Breitbart.

Muslim radicals are targeting US churches , Virtue, David (22 February 2017), Global Christian News, viewed at Global Christian News.

Feds: Dearborn Heights Man Supports ISIS  Planned Attack, Hicks, Mark (5 February 2017), The Detroit News, viewed at

Secret ISIS List Names Thousands of Churches in all 50 States for Attack During
Holidays,Hohmann, Leo (22 December 2016), WorldNetDaily, viewed at

We would appreciate your donation.

Churches take new security measures in face of terror threats
McKay, Hollie (15 August 2016), Fox News, viewed at

US Muslim Planned to Massacre Christians in Church
Hohmann, Leo (22 February 2016), WorldNetDaily, viewed at

** Agenda

0830 Check-in/Continental Breakfast

0900 Welcome and Invocation
Dan Duis, Senior Pastor, Shepherd Gate Church

0915 Summit Overview
Rev. Bill Cook, Founder & CEO
Black Robe Regiment of Virginia

0930 Civilization Jihad: What it is and what must be done about it
Chris Gaubatz, Vice-President, Understanding the Threat

1115 Confronting the Threat: A Virginia Sheriff’s
First-Hand Account
Scott Jenkins, Culpeper County Sheriff

1200 Lunch with Q&A

Rev. Bill Cook

1300 A Call for Watchmen on the Wall
Randy Wilson, National Field Director
Family Research Council

1400 Discussion/Next Steps

1430 Close in Prayer and Adjourn


Chris Gaubatz is Vice President at Understanding the Threat
( .

In 2007, he was hired as an intern at the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Maryland/Virginia office. Chris was able to pentrate the Hamas front by feigning conversion to Islam, and attending Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas conferences. While at CAIR, Chris uncovered a fraudulent scheme to defraud Muslims by employing an invidual who was impersonating an attorney, who falsely claimed to be representing them in immigration proceedings.

At the June 8 summit you will hear how Chris obtained more than 12,000 pages of damning evidence on the Hamas front group’s supremacist goals and seditious enterprise, which seeks to undermine the Government of the United States and replace our Constitution with Islamic Law. Chris’ amazing story is featured in Muslim Mafia, a book that was co-authored by investigative journalist Paul Sperry and Chris’ Father, Dave Gaubatz.

Sheriff Scott Jenkins is a career law enforcement professional who has proudly
served as Sheriff of Culpeper County, Virginia since 2012. Summit participants will
hear Sheriff Jenkins’ riveting first-hand account of his own confrontation with
senior leaders of the US Muslim Brotherhood, who sought to prevent the Culpeper
Sheriffs Department from offering critical training in how to recognize and
investigate jihadi networks, both to its own employees, professionals from other
state and federal law enforcement agencies. Sheriff Jenkins is staunch defender and
worthy apologist for the Second Amendment, secure communities, constitutional
government, and law enforcement. His reputation for a no-nonsense, yet compassionate
approach to law enforcement is well-known. He has held several leadership positions
during his law enforcement career including, Chief Deputy of the Rappahannock County
Sheriff’s Office, as a Sergeant and Lieutenant supervising Criminal

Randy Wilson serves as the Family Research Council’s National Field Director for
Church Ministries. He travels the country building relationships with Christian
ministers, speaking at regional and local pastoral gatherings, and challenging
pastors to be “Watchmen on the Wall.” (Isaiah 62:6) Prior to joining FRC, Mr. Wilson
worked in the public policy department of Focus on the Family, where he developed
and launched state Family Policy Councils across the country. He also served the
local church as a Family Life pastor.

Pastor Dan Duis  is the founding pastor of Shepherd Gate Church. His calling
to the ministry followed a traumatic accident on his Father’s Kansas farm. From his
youth he dreamed of the day when he would pastor a church and have a horse farm.
After college, Dan was participating in an Arlington, Virginia youth ministry where
he prayed a “salvation prayer” and turned his life over to the Lord. The following
night he prayed to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. These experiences kindled
a fire for the Lord in Dan, that brought revival to a community of young people. In
his third year of youth ministry, Christian Assembly called Dan to serve as the
church’s youth pastor, which he accepted in August, 1974. Dan married Scotti
Stringfellow on December 28, 1974. Dan served in several roles at Christian Assembly
including Associate Pastor and founder of The Christian Assembly Academy. In January
1986, Dan was asked by the elders to plant a new church in Western Fairfax County.
After praying and laying a foundation of prayer, Dan and Scotti along with several
members of Christian Assembly, ventured out to form what would be known as Shepherd
Gate Church. Dan and Scotti have served this body for the past 28 years. They have
a daughter, Corrie, and three sons, Matthew, Samuel, and Tyler, as well as several
grandchildren! Dan has a heart for the local church and knows he has the calling of
pastor on his life.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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