Search Results for rapture

God Gathering Gog-Magog

The fact that tiny Algeria—which is almost certainly a major constituent part of the ancient area known as “Put”—is now added to the jigsaw puzzle of the Gog-Magog invading horde shows that God’s great hand of control is at work.

The AI-Alien Connection

It becomes more obvious by the day: AI is in the process of invading the world. Artificial intelligence has so quickly taken over in daily doings that it…

Are Christians the Troublers of Society?

Christians, we are the people who have our fingers in the dam stopping it from bursting. By the Holy Spirit, we Christians are holding back the tide of evil. But, one day soon, when the Lord takes us home, the dam is going to burst, and evil will pour out and deluge the entire world. We don’t want anyone to be left behind by the Rapture to endure those horrors, so put your trust in Jesus Christ today.

God’s Measured Judgement

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Return, O LORD, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants” (Psalms 90:12-13).

They’re Coming for Your Children

The attack on children has taken on much more sinister movement toward satanic control. You can almost hear the demons hissing within their human minions’ voices as they chant, “We are coming for your children…We are coming for your children.”