Pro-Life Groups Rally at Va. Capitol


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Pro-life groups across Virginia have called on their state lawmakers to implement tougher restrictions on abortion facilities in the Commonwealth. They made their voices heard as the state’s new legislative session began this week.

Despite the cold weather, pro-life supporters stood together on the grounds of the state capitol for the cause of life.

“There’s not a more dangerous place in Virginia or in the rest of the country than the womb so it’s really out of love that the people came here today,” said Shawn Carney, campaign director of 40 Days for Life.

In the past, Del. Bob Marshall, R-Va., has introduced legislation that hold abortion clinics to higher standards. He said now is the time to take action.

“We’ve had almost 1.1 million children lose their lives that’s like one-eighth of the present population in Virginia,” Marshall said. “If not now, when?”

If tougher regulations are put in place many abortion clinics could be forced to shut down. That’s because the regulations would force abortion facilities to adhere to hospital-like standards and truthful reporting about complications. Pro-life groups believe that would save lives. Yet, while they see new regulations as a step in the right direction, they’re adamant that their ultimate goal is to end abortion.

“I don’t think it’s the total solution, I think we need to recognize them as human beings and stop killing them altogether,” said Aaron Messier, a Haymarket, Va., resident.

“We need to close them down that’s the ultimate goal, stop abortion,” said Kathleen Messier, another Haymarket resident.

Abortion rights advocates said the proposed regulations were a naked attempt to force abortion clinics out of business.

When the rally ended that’s when the real work actually began as the pro-life supporters headed over to the capitol building to encourage their lawmakers to take a stand for life.

“We’re going into the capitol and we’re going to talk to the people there and lobby for this regulation that we all need and that we all can benefit from,” said Susan Hayes, a Clifton, Va. resident.

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Gov. Bob McDonnell, R-Va., has said that he supports legislation that would increase regulations on abortion clinics and believes most Virginians want to see a reduction in the number of abortions in their state.

© Copyright 2011 . The Christian Broadcasting Network

 Other Media Outlets reported:

Daily Press

January 14, 2011|By Kimball Payne, | 247-765

RICHMOND — — The anti-abortion rally outside of the General Assembly this week had familiar themes of protecting unborn children and rolling back abortion rights.

But this week the activists’ pleas were aimed in an unusual direction — at Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell.

At issue is hospital-style regulations for Virginia’s 21 abortion clinics, a long-sought goal of the pro-life movement. Conservative lawmakers have pushed for tighter restrictions on abortion providers for years, arguing that the outpatient clinics should be treated like ambulatory centers. Continue..


As lawmakers sat down for their first full day of the 2011 legislative session, groups calling for tougher restrictions on abortions rallied outside of the Capitol building in Richmond.

They’re calling for pressure on Governor Bob McDonnell to lead the legislature into putting new rules and regulations on clinics that perform abortions

Delegate Bob Marshall, a republican from Prince William County, has been one of the most outspoken opponents of abortion during his term in the legislature. This year he has introduced legislation that would give specific protection to embryos and fetuses.

Delegate Marshall has introduced legislation in the past that would allow the state to regulate clinics that perform abortions. Now Del. Marshall is trying to pressure Governor Bob McDonnell to take action.

“He has the authority, I think he has the responsibility, and an opportunity to act,” Delegate Marshall said.

Notably absent at the rally was The Family Foundation, a conservative advocacy group that has long been outspoken against abortion.


Spokesman Chris Freund released this statement: “The Family Foundation has fought for abortion center safety regulations for over a decade and we continue to do so until the health of women in Virginia is protected. We appreciate the passion that so many Virginians have on this issue, which should be evidence enough for elected officials to support the legislation that is before the General Assembly. There are many different approaches in policy making and we are fully committed to working with the the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and legislature to pass an abortion center safety law that protects women’s health.”

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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