Saturday, April 23, National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood

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ATTENTION: Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint. Click here for daily electronic delivery of the day's top blogs from Virginia Christian Alliance.

Dear Pro Life Friends…

Please include in upcoming church bulletins, newsletters, FB pages, blogs, and all communication efforts… and help spread the news through April 23, 2016. 

National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood-Richmond, VA

Help expose the horror of abortion and bring an end to Planned Parenthood in our nation! 

See our Flyer and download it here

We would appreciate your donation.

On April 23, 2016 pro-lifers across the country will conduct the first annual nationwide protest at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country, to be held on the 4th Saturday of April every year until the abortion chain no longer preys upon our communities. 

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, responsible for over 320,000 babies dying each year. We must keep the pressure on and call on Congress and the States to cut off all government funding to Planned Parenthood.  

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Event: National Day of Protest Against Planned Parenthood
When: Saturday, April 23, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Where: Planned Parenthood, 201 N. Hamilton Street, Richmond, VA 23221

Visit Our Facebook Page and Help Spread the Word

More Info: Call Leslie Blackwell at (804) 304-4712 or email:

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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