Biblical Prophecy

Rapture or Rupture

all who accept Christ now, this side of the Rapture, will not endure the rupture the whole world will suffer when God again begins dealing with His chosen people, the Jews.

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This is the Universal Agenda… | Prophecy Update with Tom Hughes

In essence, the document calls for a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a one-world economic system.

Notice these 5 things from the Pope’s speech and the UN document: A world constitution, a world court, a world government, a world religion, and a world economic system.

The UN quickly voted on the document (“Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).”

Daniel’s Dream Developing

Forced vaccines and all other overreaches will seem as nothing when the “man of sin” takes over the reins of the final form of the Babylonian system.
Jesus will be that “stone” that will bring that thoroughly beastly rulership down in thunderous collapse.

Replacing God

Terry James | Prophecy Line At the heart of iniquity—the evil God’s Word says indwelt Lucifer when he decided to make himself more important than…

Jeff Kinley: America Prepares for the Antichrist

The Bible tells us there are troubling times ahead. We want to show you how to avoid these terrible times that the Bible calls the Tribulation. The prophet Daniel wrote about it over 2,600 years ago and as we see the rise of a one-world global system take shape today and the world is being prepared for the arrival of the Antichrist, we know that we are getting very close to seeing all of the Bible’s end-time prophecies come to pass in our lifetime. Are you aware of what the Bible has to say about the future?

Foreshadowing the Mark

Whether you choose to take the vaccine or choose to resist taking it, the process, whether beneficial or detrimental in terms of human health, itself is, without question in my mind, part of a control process being implemented by the powers and principalities of  Ephesians 6: 12.