Mental Jigsaw – How AI Carves Out Space In Your Brain

The potential to control others via human-machine interface is extraordinary. Modern society teems with lonely, unstable individuals, each one primed for artificial companionship and psychic manipulation. With chatbots getting more sophisticated, even relatively stable people are vulnerable. Young digital natives are most at risk.

I tried to redpill ChatGPT. I failed.

ChatGPT seems to be convinced by the government narrative. It encouraged me to talk to a healthcare professional who can provide me with evidence-based information to help me decide.
But since the US government is hiding the evidence we need to make a decision (the death records linked to the vaccine records), I’m baffled as to how they are going to do that.

China’s Alibaba Joins AI Race To Challenge ChatGPT

Investors in Alibaba (ticker: BABA) may be cheering the Chinese tech giant’s decision to develop a public-facing AI chatbot, with shares in the group jumping 2% in U.S. premarket trading.

Alibaba has developed and is currently putting a ChatGPT-style tool through internal testing, the company said Wednesday.