
The True “Social Justice Warrior”

Every Christian should desire, pray for, and work toward what is right in God’s eyes. That will result in a biblical justice that, while it might not please the world, will always please the King of kings. 
One could say that the true “social justice warrior,” biblically speaking, is the Christian man or woman who promotes God’s righteousness in society.

Critical Theory’s Injustice

We’re now ready to discuss critical theory’s objectives of identifying oppression and transforming society. This article discusses oppression and the next transformation. It begins with…

Common Ground?

We hear today compromise is needed to get things done. But what exactly does this mean? Surely compromise requires common ground? This article explores some…

Life Remains Unprotected

Below is an unpublished letter to the editor submitted to Richmond’s Times-Dispatch on March 8. It is a response to communications received from both Virginia…

Amok Time

What possible connection could there be between today’s society and a Star Trek episode? Amok was a period during the Vulcan mating process where all…

Pagans on the Wall

The positions over border security today, and what it should look like, provide a telling example of how much society has changed. Immigration is one…