last days

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

Nathan Jones | Lamb and Lion Ministries Nathan Jones: Doesn’t it seem like God has been showering signs all over the world to indicate that Jesus…

Daniel’s Dream Developing

Forced vaccines and all other overreaches will seem as nothing when the “man of sin” takes over the reins of the final form of the Babylonian system.
Jesus will be that “stone” that will bring that thoroughly beastly rulership down in thunderous collapse.

Blessing Nations

Terry James | Prophecy Line The Psalmist was given this to write by God the Holy Spirit. Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD: and the people whom he hath chosen…

Replacing God

Terry James | Prophecy Line At the heart of iniquity—the evil God’s Word says indwelt Lucifer when he decided to make himself more important than…

Who’s Behind the Shadow Government? – Bill Koenig

Jan Markell talks to Bill Koenig for the hour. Though many are in denial, the world has changed in just a few months. Jan and her guest discuss this radical transformation, the vaccine push, the snooping on social media and even personal texts, and more. Who is really running our country?