
Jesus Came. What Next?

If you are reading this because millions of people have suddenly and mysteriously disappeared, then you are looking for answers to what has happened, why it has happened, and what will be happening next.

Last-days Hurricane

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)  

Anti-Bible Attack Dogs

At this late hour at the end of the age, it’s obvious to anyone who’s truly attuned to God’s Word and is watching as instructed by the Lord (Mark 13: 37): Christ’s call in the Rapture must be very near. Proof includes that Heaven’s enemy has, it is clear, unleashed the “attack dogs” against God’s Holy Word.

When is Jesus Coming Again?

The Spiritual Discernment of Signs and Seasons The message of Lamb & Lion Ministries is: “Jesus is Returning Soon!” All of our outreach can be…

America, We Have a Problem

A Christian Nation?

There is no doubt that America was founded on Christian principles. The Bible was once taught in every public school classroom alongside primers like the McGuffey Readers. Our laws and our collective morality were unapologetically shaped by the Word of God. But no more.