
Rapture or Rupture

all who accept Christ now, this side of the Rapture, will not endure the rupture the whole world will suffer when God again begins dealing with His chosen people, the Jews.

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The Disease Spreads

there is about to appear a True Savior. His name is above every other name. Jesus Christ will, with a Shout and Trumpet sound, call all believers to Himself. It will be an instantaneous cure for all disease and sin that ravages this fallen planet

Satanic Chosen Control Mechanism Tightening

Satan’s mechanism for establishing control over the world’s populations is in place. It is but one element of his blueprint for constructing Antichrist’s platform that will end with billions of deaths during the last seven years leading up to Christ’s Second Advent.

Markell: When the Remnant Grows Weary

Society is being prepped for the Antichrist and as prophecy-loving believers try to warn, the words are falling on a lot of deaf ears.
The stage is being set for a closing act.