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“A Republic, if you can keep it.” — Benjamin Franklin
That prophetic warning from Franklin echoes louder today than ever before. On March 25, 2025, President Donald J. Trump issued a sweeping Executive Order titled Preserving and Protecting the Integrity of American Elections, declaring it the policy of his administration to enforce federal law, secure election systems, and ensure that only legal votes are counted.
This action strikes at the core of what makes a constitutional republic function—election integrity. Without it, our self-governance collapses into lawlessness and manipulation.
The Problem: A Patchwork of Loopholes and Lawlessness
The Executive Order outlines a stark truth: modern America lags behind many developed (and even developing) nations in election security.
India and Brazil require voter ID tied to biometric data.
Germany and Canada use only paper ballots—counted in public by local officials.
Denmark and Sweden reject late ballots and limit mail-in voting to those who truly need it.
In contrast, the United States has tolerated:
Ballots counted after Election Day in violation of 2 U.S.C. § 7 and 3 U.S.C. § 1,
Mail-in ballots without postmarks,
Non-citizens registered to vote,
Voter rolls that are outdated and inaccurate,
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And foreign money influencing ballot initiatives.
This lawlessness is not just dangerous—it’s unconstitutional.
Key Directives in the Executive Order
The March 25 order lays out a comprehensive roadmap for restoring trust in elections through lawful and constitutional means:
1. Enforcing Citizenship Verification
All federal voter registrations must now include documentary proof of U.S. citizenship, including passports, REAL ID-compliant documents, or military ID.
2. Uniform Election Day Enforcement
States may no longer count ballots received after Election Day for federal elections. This aligns with existing federal law and recent court rulings (e.g., RNC v. Wetzel, 2024).
3. Cleaning and Securing Voter Rolls
Federal databases—including those from DHS and the Social Security Administration—must be used to remove ineligible voters, including the deceased, duplicates, and non-citizens.
4. No More Foreign Interference
The order strengthens enforcement of 52 U.S.C. § 30121 to block foreign funding in federal, state, or local elections—whether through direct donations or ballot measures.
5. Voting Systems Must Be Verifiable
New standards prohibit vote counting via barcodes and require paper-trail voting systems that are auditable and voter-verifiable.
6. Withholding Federal Funds from Non-Compliant States
States that refuse to comply with federal election laws may lose access to Election Assistance Commission funding and DOJ law enforcement grants.
Restoring Constitutional Election Integrity
This Executive Order does not create new law—it enforces existing law, which federal and state officials have too often ignored or actively undermined. By demanding compliance with laws already in the books, this administration fulfills its duty under Article II of the Constitution.
Let’s be clear: This isn’t suppression. It’s restoration. It’s the return of law, order, and constitutional legitimacy to America’s elections.
What Comes Next
Citizens, state officials, and churches must stay vigilant:
✅ Demand full compliance with federal election law.
✅ Share this Executive Order with others—especially lawmakers and election officials.
✅ Encourage your state legislators to align with the EAC and DHS standards.
✅ Most importantly, pray for leaders who uphold truth and righteousness.
Conclusion: The Time to Act Is Now
As Franklin warned, we were given a Republic—but it must be kept. Securing our elections is the bedrock of that Republic. With this Executive Order, the federal government is drawing a line in the sand: only legal votes count.
This is the beginning of restoration—not just of our elections, but of our national trust.
Let’s restore election integrity. Many in the Far Left seem to be under demonic influence. We need to make sure WEF, Soros, etc do not try to influence midterms with their cash flow!
I LOVE this post by VCA!! AND, I love the VCA Mission! I’m not sure which devil talked the church out of politics, but I know for sure that some devil did. The BIG question in political circles today is who/what/where is the LEADERSHIP in the Democrat Party…BUT, a more important question, actually the BIGGER question given the Spiritual Truth of our founding as a Constitutional Republic: Who/What/Where is the LEADERSHIP in the church? Only moments ago I half-joked with a friend, “I’m considering suggesting changing the acronym CLOTH (Christian Leaders Of The Hudson) to COTH.” Why? Because the only areas I see the church leading are 1)Cultural Irrelevance, and 2) Fractionalization. Now, I will attempt to tie my vision/prayer for Christian/Church Leadership to Trump’s EO and the need for “How to Keep Our Republic” beyond the all-important great first step of restoring election integrity. In his great article “Why Counties Matter Most,” GR Mobley of writes, “There are three levels of swamp in American government; county, state, and federal.” I wrote this lyric back in 2019 or 20, “When truth is back in town, honest men will come around…” Well, truth is back in town…what are the honest men waiting for? We need Christian MEN to come off the bleachers and onto the field! Who better to fill a POLTICAL office/seat than a man more concerned for his own salvation, than his own self-interest, agenda, or power and control??? We desperately need Christian MEN to step up to fill vacant local committee/precinct seats, local and county boards, commissioner, and/or legislative seats…and on and on. AND THEN, we need to form County Constitutional Review Committees to conduct Constitutional Audit and Republic Reviews to identify where those we’ve entrusted to represent us are in violation of their OATH to the Constitution, whereupon God Himself has provided the remedy of Interposition through our 1st Amendment Right to petition for redress of grievance(s)!
Thank you for your powerful comment—and for your bold heart for both truth and action. We share your conviction: the church should never have ceded ground in the cultural and political arenas. There was indeed a devil in that deception, and we are seeing the bitter fruit of it across our nation today. We just opened a COMMENTS function and yours is very encouraging! Please invite other “like-minded” men and women of God and country to engage.
Your challenge is timely and right on target. As you said, “truth is back in town,” and it’s calling out to honest men to get off the bleachers and onto the field. If we don’t lead with courage and conviction, then who will? A Constitutional Republic only survives when moral, principled people—especially Christian men and women—rise to steward it. And yes, this must begin at the local level: precincts, school boards, committees, and county commissions.
President Trump’s Executive Order is a powerful first step in restoring trust in our elections—but keeping the Republic will require a mobilized church that leads with Biblical clarity and civic responsibility. As you rightly noted, leadership isn’t just needed in Washington—it’s desperately needed in our churches and communities.
At VCA, our mission remains rooted in truth, liberty, and Biblical authority. We wholeheartedly support efforts like county-level constitutional audits and local interposition through our God-given First Amendment rights. We would love to continue this dialogue and encourage others reading this to step forward, stand firm, and speak out—in their churches, their communities, and their government.
May God raise up a new generation of Christian leaders who fear Him more than man—and love truth more than comfort.
NOT OUR WILL, but God’s will is “being done” already.