Unmasking COVID-19: Discussion #2 with Dr. Deisher and Dr. Castle

covid and vaccines

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 LifeSite Conference Covid 19 Overview

Learn about:

  • How aborted fetal cells are used in COVID and other vaccines
  • The legal implications of COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates
  • The truth about masks and social distancing
    And so much more

Uncertainty reigns in the general population right now, specifically surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine and lockdowns. LifeSite’s mission is devoted to sharing the truth, and that’s exactly what we aim to share with this online conference.  understand the questions surrounding what vaccines, masks, and lockdowns are really doing to the human body. We see the numerous deaths and adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines. We are reporting on the issues connected to government overreach, lockdowns, masks ad social distancing. 

With those concerns in mind, our conference will find answers.  

Bp. Schneider calls for ‘new pro-life movement’ to protest ‘abortion-tainted’ medicines like COVID vaccine
The global pro-life movement must ‘protest clearly and unambiguously against abortion-tainted medicines, against the abuse of the body parts of the unborn.’

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Babies were aborted alive, placed in fridge to harvest cell lines used in some vaccines: researcher
‘These babies were literally placed into the fridge alive and then stored between one and 24 hours until they could be dismembered.’

Vaccine expert answers critics, exposes horrific nature of abortion-tainted vaccine research
Pamela Acker lays out what goes into developing a cell line, along with the macabre practices scientists and doctors engage in to harvest human children’s organs for research.




Pat earned a PhD in nano-analytical chemistry from the University of Illinois and is a board member at the Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology. He did ten military assignments, including the Weapons of Mass Destruction defense officer at the base closest to Osama bin Laden on Sep 11th. While an Air Force Academy chemistry professor, Pat developed the ethics curriculum.

Theresa A. Deisher, Ph.D. graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine with a doctoral degree in Molecular & Cellular Physiology. She has over 47 issued patents and 4 discoveries in clinical trials. She has had extensive scientific and management experience in the commercial biotechnology field at Genentech, Repligen, ZymoGenetics, Immunex, and Amgen. Dr. Deisher is the founder of both AVM Biotechnology and Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute. Through the nonprofit Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, Dr. Deisher researches and lectures on the scientific and medical implications of using aborted fetal material in vaccine manufacturing. Dr. Deisher was also one of the plaintiffs in the Sherley vs. Sebellius lawsuit that shut down embryo stem cell research and was an advisor to David Daleiden in the undercover filming of Planned Parenthood employees discussing the sale of aborted fetal parts for research.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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LifeSiteNews.com is a non-profit Internet news service dedicated to issues of life, family, and many related issues. It was launched in September 1997 to especially provide an alternative to the mainstream news that was either ignoring or providing highly slanted reporting on these issues and on the activities and statements of pro-life, pro-family organizations in the world. LifeSiteNews Daily News reports and information pages are used by numerous organizations and publications, educators, professionals and political, religious and life and family organization leaders and grassroots people across North America and internationally. LifeSiteNews.com Daily News reports are widely circulated reports on important developments in the United States, Canada and around the world. Their purpose is to provide balance and more accurate coverage on the issues we focus on than is usually given by other media. LifeSite news reports are available by free daily email subscription and on LifeSiteNews.com.