Virginia Christian Alliance Award’s Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli


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HENRICO –  The Virginia Christian Alliance held an award ceremony at the Bragg Hill Family Life Center in Fredericksburg announcing its 2012 General Assembly awards which were voted on at its June Board meeting.  The event received press coverage by the Washington Post, and Henrico Citizen.

2695_-_VCA_Chairman_Don_Blake_and_Attorney_General_of_VA_Ken_CuccinelliVCA Chairman Don Blake and Attorney General of VA Ken CuccinelliThe“Founders” Leadership Award was presented to Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for his outspoken stand on pro-family, pro-life issues and especially for his efforts to support House Bill 1 (HB-1)—The Right to Life Bill—in the 2012 session.(Award was given in Ken Cuccinelli’s office on July 25, 2012.)

The “Courageous” Leadership Awards for the 2012 Virginia General Assembly session for members of the House were presented to Delegates Bob Marshall (R 13th) and Kathy Byron (R-22nd) for their steadfast courage in supporting their pro-family, pro-life legislation.

2841_-_Charles_J_Colgan_D-29th_VCA_Chairman_Don_BlakeCharles J Colgan D-29th VCA Chairman Don BlakeIn the face of much public pressure and personal attacks, they both stood strong on their positions. 

The “Courageous” Leadership Award for the 2012 Virginia General Assembly session for members of the Senate was presented to Senators Phillip P. Puckett (D-38th) and Charles J. Colgan (D-29th).

Both of these long-serving members of the Virginia Senate, under much duress, broke rank with their party and voted for positive pro-family, pro-life legislation.

2871_-_Bishop_Henderson_and_VCA_Chairman_Don_BlakeBishop Henderson and VCA Chairman Don BlakeThey both deserve special recognition for their steadfastness in standing for their beliefs and standing for life.

The Pastor’s Leadership Award was awarded to Bishop Dr. Joseph D. Henderson, Sr. and the Bragg Hill Family Life Center in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Bishop Henderson’s leadership contributed greatly to the “changing of the old guard” in the Virginia Senate. The “changing of the old guard” in the Senate allowed for passage of long delayed pro-family, pro-life, “pro-Virginia” legislation. (more photos below)

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2896_-_Bishop_Henderson_Bryce_Reeves_Don_Blake_Colgan_Terry_Beatley_576Bishop Henderson, Sen Bryce Reeves (R-17) VCA Chairman Don Blake, Charles J. Colgan (D-29th) and Founder of No Excuse Ministries, Mrs.Terry Beatley

The Freshman Legislator of the Virginia General Assembly 2012 Session Award was presented to Senator Bryce E. Reeves of Fredericksburg, Virginia (R-17th). Bryce Reeves played an active and important role in his leadership of pro-family, pro-life legislation in his first session.

2900_-_Blake_Hollowell_Ellison_Henderson_Mrs_Colgan_Colgan_Reeves_Turner_Beatley_576VCA Chairman Don Blake, VCA Board Member Greene Hollowell Pastor Joe Ellison, Bishop Henderson, Mrs Colgan and Del. Colgan, Sen Bryce Reeves, Reverend Hashmill Turner, and  Mrs. Terry Beatley

The Virginia Christian Alliance’s Affiliate of the Year Award was presented to No Excuse Ministries and its founder, Mrs. Terry Beatley. Terry Beatley and her ministries were the force behind the election in Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania County that brought back pro-family, pro-life leadership to the Virginia Senate.

2824_Bishop_Henderson_Don_Blake_Terry_Beately_and_Pastor_Joe_EllisonnBishop Henderson, VCA Chairman Don Blake, Mrs. Terry_Beately and Pastor_Joe_Ellisonn

The Virginia Christian Alliance is very pleased to present these awards and very grateful for the efforts of each of these ladies and gentlemen for their efforts to promote and protect the families of our Commonwealth.

Cuccinelli, 5 legislators honored by Christian Alliance

Laura Vozzella of the Washington Post:

The Virginia Christian Alliance has honored Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II (R) and five legislators who it said stood firmly for “pro-family, pro-life” legislation during this year’s General Assembly session. 

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli gestures as he talks about the Supreme Court decision on the Health Care law during a press conference June 28, in Richmond. (Steve Helber – AP) It was the first time that the four-year-old organization, which has carved out a niche to the right of the conservative Family Foundation of Virginia, has given awards to elected leaders. And it was another indication that the firebrand attorney general has the support of staunch conservatives over Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, his low-key rival for the Republican nomination in the 2013 governor’s race..Read More

Va. Christian Alliance honors Cuccinelli

Citizen Staff Reports


The Virginia Christian Alliance has presented Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli with the “Founders” Leadership Award for his outspoken stand on pro-family, pro-life issues. He was also honored for his efforts to support House Bill 1, the so-called Right to Life Bill, in the 2012 session.
Don Blake (left), VCA chairman, presented Cuccinelli with his award July 25.

And from the desk of Senator Reeves…


Dear Friends,

 Today I was very honored to be presented with the Virginia Christian Alliance -Freshman Legislator of the year award.  I was recognized by Mr. Greene Hollowell the founder, and Mr. Don Blake, Chairman of the Board, for standing for conservative Christian principles on key legislation in the General Assembly this year.  I was also honored to be standing with a dear friend and fellow Senator, Chuck Colgan who received an award as well for standing up for the right to life.  Senator Puckett and Delegate Byron also received awards but were unable to attend.  It was also a great honor to be there with Bishop Henderson  and Terry Beatley as they received their awards.

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your senator.  It is an honor and a privledge.

 Yours in service,

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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