Virginia Christian Alliance Takes Pastors to DC for a Day on the Hill On September 13, 2011


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On September 13, 2011, Virginia Christian Alliance took a busload of pastors to Washington to visit with Congressman Eric Cantor. There were pastors from Norfolk, Fredericksburg, Colonial Beach, Kinsale, Colonial Heights, Beaverdam, and the Richmond area. Our pastors were taken on a tour of the Capitol and then met for 30 minutes with Congressman Cantor in the House Majority Leader’s Conference Room to discuss public policy and current issues. Our pastors were treated to lunch in The Capitol Club and heard some inspiring speakers.

Two Congressmen, Tim Scott of South Carolina and Allen West of Florida, spoke about their personal beliefs and current issues facing our nation. Their messages were enthusiastically received by our pastors. In addition, Chaplain Barry Black of the Senate, and Rev. Patrick Conroy, Chaplain for the House of Representatives, spoke to our group. Majority Leader of the House of Representative, Congressman Eric Cantor, also was a speaker at the luncheon. Our Virginia pastors were impressed with what they heard to the point that they talked politics and the role of the Church all the way back to Richmond. It truly was a blessed day for all.

Pastors_boarding_the_bus_to_Washington Pastors boarding the bus to Washington

Rev_Jeff_Bauer_Pastor_of_Winns_Baptist_Church_and_Don_Blake_Chairman_of_VCARev. Jeff Bauer, Pastor of Winn’s Baptist Church, and Don Blake, Chairman of VCA, ready to travel to DC. Pastors_travel_to_Washington_for_their_Day_on_the_HillPastors travel to Washington for their Day on the Hill to visit Majority Leader Eric Cantor and other representatives


Our_group_met_outside_of_Congressman_Cantors_officeOur group met outside of Congressman Cantor’s office Photo_1_DC_TripPastors met in Congressman Cantor’s Office
Photo_2_DC_Trip Pastors_met_in_Congressman_Cantors_Office


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Pastor_Joe_Ellison_of_Essex_Village_Ministries_with_Don_Blake_Chairman_of_VCAPastor Joe Ellison of Essex Village Ministries with Don Blake, Chairman of VCA Don_Blake_at_office_door_to_the_House_Majority_Leader_Congressman_Eric_CantorDon Blake at office door to the House Majority Leader Congressman Eric Cantor


Meeting_in_the_Conference_Room_with_Congressman_Cantor_1 Meeting_in_the_Conference_Room_with_Congressman_Cantor_2

Meeting in the Conference Room with Congressman Cantor

Our_Group_with_Eric_Cantor Our_Group_with_Eric_Cantor_2




Don_Blake_and_Eric_CantorMajority Leader in the House of Representative, Congressman Eric Cantor, with Don Blake, Chairman of the Virginia Christian Alliance


Pastor_Joe_Ellison_Jr_of_Essex_Village_Ministries_in_Richmond_with_Eric_CantorPastor Joe Ellison, Jr., of Essex Village Ministries in Richmond, with Congressman Cantor

Congressman_Tim_Scott_of_South_Carolina_spoke_at_the_luncheonCongressman Tim Scott of South Carolina spoke at the luncheon. Congressman_Allen_West_of_Florida_spoke_at_the_luncheonCongressman Allen West of Florida spoke at the luncheon
Congressman_Allen_West_with_Congressman_Eric_CantorCongressman Allen West with Congressman Eric Cantor Pastor_Joe_Ellison_with_Congressman_Tim_ScottPastor Joe Ellison with Congressman Tim Scott
Senate_Chaplain_Barry_BlackSenate Chaplain Rear Admiral Barry C. Black (Ret.) 62nd Chaplain of the US Senate The_House_of_Representative_Chaplain_The_Reverend_Patrick_Conroy_with_Pastor_Joe_EllisonHouse of Representatives Chaplain, Reverend Patrick Conroy, with Pastor Joe Ellison
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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