We are dismayed and outraged that Virginia’s U.S. Senators Warner and Kaine voted against this critical lifesaving legislation

Virginia Bishops’ Statement on U.S. Senate’s Failure to Pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
We are deeply dismayed and astounded that the U.S. Senate has failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (S. 311). It is a matter of common sense and basic human decency to require, as S. 311 would have, that any health care practitioner present when a child is born alive following an abortion give the same degree of care to preserve the life and health of the child as would be given to any other newborn. That this bill did not pass unanimously – let alone even pass at all – is appalling and beyond comprehension. We are dismayed and outraged that Virginia’s U.S. Senators Warner and Kaine voted against this critical lifesaving legislation.
We urge the Senate to reconsider its decision as soon as possible.
This joint statement has been issued by Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington, and Most Reverend Barry C. Knestout, Bishop of Richmond.