Why is this Hack Still in Business?


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“It’s incredulous to see how our government entities pass the buck and allow this ‘doctor’ to open and operate these clinics.  Absolutely incredulous!  Class action suit time!  Against [abortion doctor] Brigham and whatever government entity that dropped the ball.”

“I think state agencies were afraid of raising eyebrows about abortion, but they just should have handled it like they do any other field of medicine.”

“Why is this hack still in business?  He should be closed down by the state.”

Any guesses on where these quotes came from?  A radical anti-abortion zealot?  A pro-life politician running for office?  A pro-life group’s fundraising letter?

  1. These quotes are from an RH Reality Check blog post – the premier pro-abortion blog.  Surprised?  I’m not.

This is what The Family Foundation has been saying all along.  The outrages committed at the hands of Dr. Steven Brigham (owner of many abortion centers including two in Virginia) are hard to ignore – unless you’re the mainstream media.  No matter what you believe about abortion, brash negligence, willfully breaking the law, numerous life-threatening complications and a woman dying at the hands of a physician because of poor training and atrocious practices is deplorable!  Dr. Brigham’s license has been revoked in up to 6 states, but he continues to operate in the abortion industry.  It begs the question, “How long until the whole world is privy to another Lancaster Avenue house of horrors?”

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The former Board chair of the National Abortion Federation (a pro-abortion regulatory agency) and Physicians for Reproductive Health, Suzanne Poppema, said of Brigham, “We thought that just getting his license revoked would take care of it.  But it turns out, it didn’t do any good to revoke his license.  He just goes to another state, or better yet, he figured out he doesn’t need a license to open a clinic.”

The story of Dr. Brigham is long and painful.  He has no Virginia medical license, yet he owns two Virginia abortion centers (Virginia Health Group in Fairfax and Virginia Women’s Wellness in Virginia Beach).  Dr. Brigham’s track record is so egregious that RH Reality Check compares him directly with the likes of Kermit Gosnell.  Even Pennsylvania has banned Dr. Brigham from owning or running abortion centers in their state.  Calling him an “imminent danger to the health of the people of New York,” New York suspended his license.  Maryland (where Brigham did NOT have a license) had to issue a cease and desist order after Brigham severely injured a patient. 

And yet, even under our newly-adopted health and safety standards for abortion centers, Virginia continues to let him operate and put women at risk.

Falls Church Healthcare Center, an abortion center which by no means abides by health and safety standards – after all, their inspection found dried blood on equipment among numerous other deficiencies – wrote on their Facebook page:

“Thank you RH Reality Check for this investigative piece about Steven Brigham and the terrible care he has provided women across 5 states.” 

If an abortion center like Falls Church Healthcare Center is condemning Steven Brigham, what is holding health officials back from entirely removing Dr. Brigham from the abortion industry – from practicing medicine, from owning abortion centers, from affiliation with any abortion center. 

But don’t be fooled by this sudden concern the abortion industry seems to have about Dr. Brigham.  The fact is that every abortion center in Virginia was found to have multiple health and safety deficiencies in their centers – every one of them.  The industry obviously wants to try to appear to distance itself from what is becoming a seemingly daily occurrence – the exposing of yet another abortion center or doctor for horrific conditions and treatment of women.  But no matter how much money the industry spends on PR, it can’t overcome the fact that Dr. Steven Brigham is not the exception, he’s the rule.

pic-chrisfreundAs Vice President of Policy and Communications for The Family Foundation, Chris is responsible for the development and implementation of the organization’s government relations, public policy and public relations strategies. He is also responsible for all aspects of media relations, including messaging and promoting media coverage of The Family Foundation’s issues and activities.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Virginia Christian Alliance
The mission of the VIRGINIA CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE is to promote moral, social and scientific issues we face today from a Biblical point of view. In addition we will refute and oppose, not with hate, but with facts and humor, the secular cultural abuses that have overridden laws and standards of conduct of the past. We will encourage Christians to participate in these efforts through conferences, development of position papers, booklets and tracts, radio/TV spots, newspaper ads and articles and letters-to-the editor, web sites, newsletters and providing speakers for church and civic meetings.
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