12 Great Events! Prayer, Concerts and Banquets

National Day of Prayer May 7 2015

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Twelve outstanding happenings that are aimed at advancing Life, Faith, Family, and Freedom in the Valley and across the Commonwealth.

For reservations where needed, contact the Forum by return e-mail to family@valleyfamilyforum.org or call (540) 438¬-8966 unless otherwise indicated.

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WRE Winter Concert

1. Saturday, March 21:   Weekday Religious Education students from 15 elementary schools in Rockingham County will present their extraordinary annual concert in the EMU Commons beginning at 4:00 p.m. Entitled “My Soul Must Sing” , the program will include a free-will offering that will help WRE continue to offer Bible classes during release time.

Rosary Rally for Marriage

2. (New) Saturday, March 21: In support of Natural Marriage between only one man and one woman, there will be a “Rosary Rally” at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church at 200 Collins Ave. in Luray beginning at 12:00. For more information or to register, call Jim Bradecamp at 743-5782.

Shenandoah Valley Prayer Breakfast

3. Wednesday, March 25: This 52nd annual breakfast will be held in the JMU Festival Ballroom beginning at 7:00 a.m. The speaker is Carl Medearis, an international expert on Arab-American and Muslim-Christian relations and author of Muslims, Christians, and Jesus. Tickets are $25/person or $200 for tables of eight. Today, Friday 13, is the deadline, so send your payment in now along with this form . For more information, go to www.valleyprayerbreakfast.org/.

Huddleston Ministries Banquet

4. Saturday, March 28:   Brad Huddleston Ministries is holding its 6th annual fundraiser banquet at the First Assembly of God Church in Harrisonburg beginning at 6:00 p.m. The speaker will be Reuben David, a former Visiting Scholar with the Wilberforce Forum and graduate of Regent University and Bengalore University in India. For reservations and sponsorships, go to www.bradhuddleston.com by March 14.

SCA Rally for Values

5. Saturday, April 11:   The Shenandoah Christian Alliance, our partners in the north, is holding its second annual Traditional Values Rally at the Skyline High School in Front Royal beginning at 4:00 p.m. This year’s focus is on marriage, featuring Valley favorite Bishop E.W. Jackson in a program of patriotic music, ceremonies, and color guard presentations by Trail Life USA and Heritage Girls troops.

We would appreciate your donation.

Valley-Wide Night of Intercession

6. (New) Sunday, April 12:   You are invited to join the Valley Intercessors for their second prayer night of 2015 to be held at Grace Covenant Church in Harrisonburg beginning at 6:00 p.m. Special guest Jessica Crawford will lead the worship in seeking God’s guidance for our community and for our nation.

March for Marriage in DC

7. Saturday, April 25: The National Organization for Marriage is hosting its 3rd annual March for Marriage in front of the U.S. Supreme Court on the eve of arguments about whether states may continue to recognize marriages only between one man and one woman – as written in their laws — or whether they can be forced by judicial fiat to also recognize same-sex “marriages”. The Court will hear the marriage case on April 28, just three days after the March. Please let me know if you would like to join a bus for the March.

East Gate Benefit

8. Monday, April 27:   East Gate Ministries is hosting its annual Dessert Benefit at the Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene beginning at 7:00 p.m. The featured speaker is Kelly Minter, a multi-talented, best-selling author, musician, and Bible teacher. Reserved seating is available for groups of eight at $200/table. Tickets may be purchased at Blessings Christian Book Store or by calling (540) 434¬-4283.

Greater Hope Banquet

9. Tuesday, April 28:   Greater Hope Ministries will hold its annual Fundraiser Banquet at The Terrace at Rocktown beginning at 6:30 p.m. Featured speakers Bob and Marilyn Heywood will discuss the destructive impact that p***nography had on their family and their church. For reservations and table sponsorships, call 574-4189 or write to kkipps@greaterhope.org.

National Day of PrayerNational Day of Prayer May 7 2015

10. Thursday, May 7:   The theme of this year’s 64th annual observance is “Lord, Hear Our Cry”, taken from I Kings 8:28. People come together across America at over 30,000 events to pray for our nation. For more information, and to make arrangements for your own event, go to www.nationaldayofprayer.org.

Valley Family Forum “God and Country” Celebration

11. Friday, May 15:   The Forum is holding its 14th annual “God and Country” Celebration dinner at JMU beginning at 6:30 p.m. Our featured speaker is Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz, who embodies the American Dream in many ways. Early Bird reservations are for tables only at $200 per table of eight.

— To confirm, write to family@valleyfamilyforum.org or call (540) 438¬-8966. Once confirmed, send checks payable to Valley Family Forum at 3465 Izaak Walton Dr., Harrisonburg, 22801. Note: Individual seats will become available on April 1, space permitting.

Especially for Pastors: “Watchmen on the Wall” in DC

12. May 20-22: The Family Research Council is holding its annual Pastors’ Summit at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in DC for pastors who want to help return America to its Judeo-Christian foundations. For more information, go to www.watchmenevents.org or call 1-800¬-225¬-4008. Special discounts are available for one pastor per church. Contact the Forum for additional help with registration and/or transportation, if needed.

Working together, we can make a difference!


For God and Country,

Dean WeltyDean Welty serves on the Board of Directors for the Virginia Christian Alliance and is Director of the Valley Family Forum, a network of families in the Shenandoah Valley that helps build Faith, Family, and Freedom in the culture and in the public square. He also hosts a weekly television program entitled “Valley Faith in Action“.

Valley Faith in Action airs at 8:00 p.m. on Friday and at 8:30 p.m. Sunday on WAZT-TV, which is Comcast Cable Channel 13 in the Harrisonburg area. It will air again at Wednesday midnight.  You can also access it and other recent programs by clicking HERE.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Dean Welty
Dean Welty is Founder and Director of the Valley Family Forum, a network of families in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia that works to defend and advance issues of Life, Faith, Family, and Freedom in the culture and in the public square. He has developed and led numerous seminars on “America’s Godly Heritage” and “Capstone: The Christian’s Role in Culture and Public Policy”, hosted a weekly television program entitled “Valley Faith in Action”, and is co-host of a weekly radio program entitled “Crossroads: Where Faith and Culture Meet”. He is a former public school teacher, overseas missionary, and senior diplomat with assignments in Asia, Washington, New York with the U.S. Mission to the UN, and as a Congressional Fellow on Capitol Hill. Dean and his wife Janet live in Harrisonburg, VA.
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