John 10.10 Project

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This project explores the abundant life Jesus promised. How can we experience joy, peace and purpose in a world often dominated by discouragement and fear?


In 1997, three long time friends (Lad Allen, Jerry Harned and Jim Adams) with limited financial resources and big dreams started a ministry that would eventually become Illustra Media and La Mirada Films.  Their editing/production facilities consisted of a 10’ X 10’ spare bedroom in Jerry’s house, and the family room (complete with an indoor basketball hoop and a well-worn couch) in Lad’s.  Their unofficial business plan was “low overhead and lots of prayer.”

During the years that followed they produced a series of feature length documentaries that explored the big questions we all struggle with at some point in our lives: Does God exist?  Did Jesus really die for the sins of the world?  Why is there so much evil, pain and suffering? Many of these films were translated into languages other than English and viewed by millions of people throughout the world.

Today, two decades and 19 documentaries later, God has opened a new door.  Inspired by the latest digital technologies (accessible by almost anyone, anywhere, anytime) and the hope of reaching an even larger audience (millions of films are watched on cell phones and iPads every day), we’re excited to present THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT.


Contrary to wishful thinking, the Christian life isn’t a free pass to Disneyland.  In reality, it can often seem more like a minefield laced with fear, disappointment, anxiety and doubt.  Yet, in John 10:10 Jesus promised anyone who follows him the opportunity to know an “abundant” (i.e. blessed, satisfying, meaningful) life.

The John 10:10 Project from The John 10:10 Project on Vimeo.


Now, he didn’t say this abundant life would be circumstantially easy (check out the apostles in the book of Acts: tortured, imprisoned, crucified). But Jesus did offer us genuine hope, joy, purpose and inner peace that surpasses all understanding – even when our roof leaks like a sieve or one of our friends battles cancer.

So, how do we experience this abundant life when everyday life is often so difficult? Many ideas have been proposed and the best seem to share a similar conclusion: the better we know Jesus, the more we’ll trust him.  Trust leads to faith, and faith leads to a life empowered and enriched by the Holy Spirit.

The films that comprise THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT were produced to help nurture a deeper understanding of God.  Each 4-10 minute video explores a facet of the Lord’s character, promises and power.  Think of them as small stepping stones on your pathway to a more abundant Christian life.  Each film in this collection is structured for use in personal devotions, Bible studies, outreach and corporate worship.  We hope you will find them helpful on your journey.

We would appreciate your donation.


There is no charge or subscription fee to watch any video on this website.  Just click the “play” button and enjoy.  We also encourage you to share what you’ve watched with family, friends, neighbors and complete strangers via social media, home Bible studies and church services. (Yes, it’s okay to show our videos to the entire congregation on Sunday morning).  Be creative.  We want this material circulated to the ends of the earth, and we’re counting on you to help make that happen.  So post and Tweet away!

Also, you can hand out information cards about THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT everywhere you go.  Click here and we’ll ship them to you free of charge.

For more ways to help us reach the world, click here

There are only two things you cannot do without permission:  1) No editing of our material into other programs; and 2) no broadcasting.  If you want to show any of these videos on television, contact us first and we’ll do our best to work out an agreement.  Like all producers, we must honor certain copyright restrictions.


Since we’re giving these films away, we’re back to our original 1997 business plan – low overhead and lots of prayer.  Illustra Media/La Mirada Films (the producer of this website) is a nonprofit organization.  If you like what we’re doing and you want to help us produce more films we’d deeply appreciate your support.


If you are unable to help us financially, we understand.  But please keep THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT in your prayers.  Thanks.


If you’re interested in purchasing or streaming any of our feature length documentaries, check out the following websites.  They include film trailers and all of the information you’ll need.

Illustra Media Web Page La Mirada Films web page
Go2RPI.com web page Christian Movie Shop web page

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please contact us directly.  We’d love to hear from you.

Thank you for your interest in our ministry.  We look forward to getting to know you better during the months and years to come.


The films on this website are the product of thousands of hours of work by dozens of gifted men and women.  Jerry Harned and Lad Allen are blessed to know each of them as friends. We acknowledge their talents and efforts with heartfelt gratitude:


Joseph Condeelis, Mark Lewis, Tim Eaton, Michael & Edie Boddicker, Matt Valentine, Dennis Burkhart, Dave Coppedge, Albert Nader, Randy Ray, David Duncan, Dick Hong, Felicia Buchanan, Tim Doherty, Michael Eaton, Joel Cheek, Brian Gage, Larry Frenzel, Jim Adams, Jack Dabner, Linda Bradley, Don Hedrick, Tyler Geffeney, Paul Webb, Bob Carpenter, John Holtom, Joe Ellis, Frank Dickerson, Heather Taylor, Shannon & Suzanne Kearney, Greg Thornton, Arnold Ramm, Ron Boender, Peter Shockey, Tom Emmel, Lee Strobel, Joni Allen, Dellene Harned, Janet Adams, Warren Allan, Larry Poland, Paul Halupa, Rob & Nancy Anderson, Marty Barclay, Alvin Chea, Ed Ragozzino, Tom Roberts, Paul Nelson, Tim Standish, Steve Meyer and the thousands of donors who have supported our work so generously with their prayers and gifts.  May God bless you all.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

The John 10:10 Project
WHAT IS THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT? Contrary to wishful thinking, the Christian life isn’t a free pass to Disneyland. In reality, it can often seem more like a minefield laced with fear, disappointment, anxiety and doubt. Yet, in John 10:10 Jesus promised anyone who follows him the opportunity to know an “abundant” (i.e. blessed, satisfying, meaningful) life. Now, he didn’t say this abundant life would be circumstantially easy (check out the apostles in the book of Acts: tortured, imprisoned, crucified). But Jesus did offer us genuine hope, joy, purpose and inner peace that surpasses all understanding – even when our roof leaks like a sieve or one of our friends battles cancer. So, how do we experience this abundant life when everyday life is often so difficult? Many ideas have been proposed and the best seem to share a similar conclusion: the better we know Jesus, the more we’ll trust him. Trust leads to faith, and faith leads to a life empowered and enriched by the Holy Spirit. The films that comprise THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT were produced to help nurture a deeper understanding of God. Each 4-10 minute video explores a facet of the Lord’s character, promises and power. Think of them as small stepping stones on your pathway to a more abundant Christian life. Each film in this collection is structured for use in personal devotions, Bible studies, outreach and corporate worship. We hope you will find them helpful on your journey.