The Interfaith Deception Upon Richmond, Virginia and Beyond

Chuck Crismier

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Chuck Crismier | Save America Ministries

The INTER-FAITH movement sweeping the country and the world is the latest expression of a series of “modern”movements that began in the 1920’s and is inexorably moving toward a Global Religion intended to unite the world so as to undergird a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT..

From the Social Gospel movement that raged through the mainline churches beginning in the 1920’s to the Ecumenical movement beginning in the 1940’s to the Church Growth movement beginning in the 1970’s, the course has been set to both justify and embrace “the good” in all religions, promoted by both mainline churches and Popes John Paul and Francis. Evangelicals, not wanting to be left out of the obvious trends, have increasingly embraced this rising religious culture, thus decreasingly embracing the exclusivity of Christ as the “the only way, the only truth and the only life.” Nearly lost to this generation are Jesus words…”No man cometh to the Father but by Me.”

This ongoing development is at the very heart of the prophesied end-time deception that will, and already is, gripping the entire planet. Lamentably, both pastor and people have become complicit in embracing the “false unity” deception in pursuit of the culture’s favor, thinking it will aid in “church growth.”

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Because of the gravity of this issue for professing believers, we did a special, focused broadcast on our national radio program VIEWPOINT on June 19 from 4:05 to 5:00PM EDT to deal both with the history and current expression of this massive deception. It can be accessed at FM 107.7and AM590. It will also be available on our website starting June 20 and will be able to be accessed there any time of day or night.



We certainly hope this program will shed more light on both the development and eternal danger of this pernicious deception.

Chuck Crismier – HOST, VIEWPOINT

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The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Chuck Crismier
Charles Crismier is Founder and President of Save America Ministries. He has often been called "A John the Baptist for our times." Chuck brings a prophetic message in these final moments of history, as global events reveal the soon-return of the Messiah. His national daily radio broadcast and many books have positioned him as a Voice to the Church, declaring Vision for the Nation.