What are Our Children being Taught? – Robert Muller’s Influence

Sandy Szwarc

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By Sandy Szwarc
© Szwarc 2025

As we introduced in UN’s New Age Spirituality, the United Nations seeks to turn every child into a global citizen. To program children to see all people on the earth as one interconnected and global family, the UN embraced the World Core Curriculum of Robert Muller. It preaches a “global consciousness” spirituality that is far removed from the Bible. 

Who was Robert Muller? 

Upon his retirement from the UN in 1986, where he went from an intern in 1948 to Assistant Secretary General, Muller became the honorary lifelong “Chancellor” of the UN’s University of Peace in Costa Rica (with a $1 annual salary). He had co-founded the University of Peace, which was established by the UN in 1979 as the academic wing of the UN. Its guiding framework is the Earth Charter, created by Maurice Strong and former UN Secretary General and co-chair of the World Economic Forum.

The Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development, an intergovernmental organization accredited under the UN Global Compact, continues today to promote UN SDGs, global citizenship, diversity, and align their efforts “to turn conscience into action in accordance with the Earth Charter.

The University of Peace and Earth Charter head UNESCO’s education initiatives for Sustainable Development. Spirituality and sustainable development are inseparable, having evolved from nature-centered beliefs and traditional and sacred wisdoms of ancient and indigenous cultures.

Muller’s ideas embody the agenda of the UN and UNESCO, because most originated from him. Muller dreamed of being honored as Elder of the UN and had submitted thousands of his visionary ideas for a global utopia to the UN.

His 2000 Ideas leading to the year 2000 were filled with doomsday predictions of planetary demise from “overpopulation” (a myth that’s proven deadly), overconsumption by developed nations producing carbon dioxide-induced global warming (another mythology), causing destruction of forests, acid rains, deserts and droughts; poisoning people by pesticides and plastics; and raising cancers and deaths from thinning of the ozonosphere.

He also called for the creation of a world association of “evolutionary scientists” and UN Conference on Evolution.

He went on to produce 4,000 then 7,500 ideas for the year 3000 for the UN − each one growing more fanatical, delusionary, twisted and removed from Biblical teachings or science. It’s hard to portray how disturbed and removed from reality they became. But a glimpse may help:

  • He said earthism and humanism should be adopted as the new ideologies for the century; called for the study of the meaning of dreams and prophesies; and that the “UN should become the House of Hopes and Dreams.” He said all governments should create Ministries of Happiness with an overseeing UN Department of Happiness.
  • His number one priority for humanity was to acquire a “cosmic consciousness of the universe” based on the ancient wisdoms from the “Great Spirit of indigenous peoples” and the “Earth-based wisdoms” of the world’s 5,000 religions.
  • His global consciousness vision was to teach children to “aggrandize” themselves so they will become creation, the universe, infinity, and a divine miraculous self.
  • He said the “salvation of this planet and survival of the human species depend on” creating a “proper Earth government” through the UN.
  • He said every student should be required to take courses in planetary, cosmic and evolutionary consciousness, in ecology, and the UN, and no student should be allowed into business or economic schools first.
  • He called for every child to be taught that their “human family” is most important, and that the UN and its agencies take the place of their parents, their personal families, communities, nations, and churches.
  • Muller warned that modern transportation would bring the end of humanity and life on this planet; called for rich and affluent people to be disciplined, taxed and penalized for over consumption; and for the UN to establish ideal consumption levels for all regions of the world.
  • He called for a “World Emergency Conference to Prevent the End of Life on Earth,” saying that humans can no longer dream of industrial, scientific or economic progress. Capitalism is obsolete and must be replaced with collectivism.
  • His global consciousness preached that the Earth does not belong to us, nor was it given by God, but that we belong to the Earth. “We are creatures, children born from the Earth and from the cosmos,” he wrote. Our brothers are the trees, the sky, the land, the air, the rivers, the beasts and animals, every pine needle, every insect, he wrote. Every part of the Earth is holy.
  • He said the beliefs of Chief Seattle should be taught in all schools of the world, that the white man takes from the land, plunders and devours it, leaving only a desert. “The Earth is his enemy…[white man] does not care.
  • He even called for the erection of special sacred places around the earth, on sacred hills, where “humans are elevated” into planetary mystical, cosmic consciousness and thinking. Christians will immediately recognize the resemblance to “high places” in the Old Testament, representing idolatry, pagan worship, and disobedience to God. 

Muller’s united interfaith religion goal

Towards a Global EthicMuller called for a worldwide religion under the UN and had submitted over 50 pages of ideas for a new spirituality. His work expanded the UN’s United Religions Initiative (URI), to create a united global religion for the new millennium, and the Parliament of the World’s Religions, which preaches earth-centered socialism, peace, justice and sustainability.

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This interfaith movement’s mission is to bring together the world’s religions and spiritual communities under the UN’s vision. When religions come together, Muller said, “we will have a peaceful, harmonious, fulfilled planet and humanity, functioning according to the laws of the universe.

Christians understand these laws are not of God’s Word.

“For the law was given through Moses;
grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” − John 1:17

The worship symbols, prayers, chants, incantations, and ceremonies for world peace encompass dozens of deities, New Age hymns, and occult practices. URI’s charter and Muller’s global religion also openly condemn conservative, traditional, Christian Biblical teachings. Global ecumenism is unbiblical, false teaching.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.”
– John 14:6 

Muller’s worship of planet Earth

Muller was also the UN guru of worship to planet Earth. He and Karan Singh co-chaired the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality in 1998 which gave birth to a network of global consciousness councils. Muller became the honorary chair of the World Wisdom Council, which led the creation of humanism in UNESCO’s education initiatives and its adoption of universal global consciousness.

Preaching world citizenship, he said all humans have “an opportunity to be co-Creators with God and evolution” in our planetary home. In his testament to life, he wrote:

UN Mother Earth Day“The entire planet must elevate itself into the spiritual, cosmic throbbing of the universe… We must become one planetary society.”

In the United Nations one is promoted from a national human being to a global, Earth, universal being. It is the greatest school of an expanded consciousness and art of living at this stage of our evolution.” 

“Earth is our mother and we are her children. We should see the sun, the Earth and all teeming, evolving life forms on our planet as one interdependent whole, as a Sun-Earth reality…. 

“[A] beautiful, happy human society will require the search for the laws of harmony of the Earth and of the universe…. we are part of this planet, in flesh, in liquids, in air, in mind, in heart, in life, in death and in rebirth. Being born from the Earth and being an intimate part of her, we must understand Her, listen to Her, cherish Her, blend with Her and not conquer Her.” 

“O my planet Earth! The yearly UN Earth Day on the spring equinox in March should become the most important day of the year.” 

Father of Global Education

Despite these troubled ideologies, Muller is called the Father of Global Education. The author of 22 books, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 32 times. He was personally responsible for establishing eleven of the 18 UN agencies and 14 world programs, all aligned with his curriculum.

By 2013, there were 43 Robert Muller Schools using his World Core Curriculum. The current number of schools around the world are hard to pin down as they all have different and ever changing New-Age-y names.

The first Robert Muller School opened in Arlington, Texas in 1979 and was founded by Gloria Crook as a branch of the School of Ageless Wisdom, which she founded in 1977. It’s now the international coordinating center for schools implementing Muller’s World Core Curriculum. It has also managed GEMUN (Global Elementary Model United Nations) since 1988. [More about this coming up.]

Muller’s World Core Curriculum for global education goes further than past holistic curriculums and educators, to experientially teach spiritual inner and outer peace, the “cosmic laws and principles of holism,” social mindedness, and bring global awareness and connectedness.

In furthering UNESCO’s culture of peace program, started in 1992, his curriculum teaches that a new conscious, spiritual, holistic-centered education is the solution to bringing spiritual transformation and social change.

Education is no longer about preparing students for a known world, Muller tells teachers, but about directing students to imagine a world as it is becoming, sense a new reality of the soul and enlightened higher kingdom, and freely choose their own desires and impulses in response to this new world vision. Children are tasked with their own learning. Rather than schools and teachers sharing knowledge and facts with students, teachers are simply “facilitators,” or “guides” to draw students out of themselves and into the spiritual world.

How many parents realize a new creation religion is being taught to their children under UNESCO guidelines?

But it gets worse.

Occultism is the core teachings of World Core Curriculum

Muller World Core CurriculumMuller’s World Core Curriculum Manual states in the Preface that its philosophy is based on the teachings of Alice Bailey (1880-1949), considered one of the “prophetesses” and founders of the New Age Movement. Her “Ten Point Plan to Destroy Christianity” focused on theosophy, a 19th century occult movement traced to gnosticism and neoplatonism.

Bailey was a luciferian occultist who established Lucis Trust in the early 1920s, with her husband Foster, to teach universal New Age spirituality and establish a one world religion.  Their publishing company, Lucifer Publishing Company, was named after the Prince of Darkness and published multitudes of her “theosophy” occult literature.

Her followers fill the UN’s Spiritual Caucus and her prayers have been read at UN events, including by Eleanor Roosevelt at World Invocation Day in 1952. This day has been observed every year since then, on the Gemini full moon, to “summon spiritual energies of light, love and purpose.”

As a tax-exempt nonprofit, Lucis Trust is headquartered at the UN Plaza and had an estimated $4.5 million in assets and $1.57 million in revenue in 2023, according to its IRS 990 Filing. Lucis Trust has consulting status with the Economic and Social Council of the UN, and its organization, World Goodwill, is recognized as a UN nongovernmental organization. Lucis Trust supports the UN and its SDGs for Humanity, and built the UN library.

United Nations World Meditation DayAs unbelievable as all of this sounds, the UN now recognizes meditation as part of its Sustainable Development Goals, and hosts a meditation room at the UN headquarters, and celebrates countless global meditation observances with mindfulness for global peace and harmony. Many New Age concepts are now promoted by globalists and  the UN (including WHO and UNESCO) surrounding “wellness,” mental health, and healthism for a healthier world.

The School of Ageless Wisdom in Texas, the first Muller school and headquarters of GEMUN, teaches “the truth of oneness.” It has classes on astrology (“astrochemistry“); zodiacal energies as the earth, sun and moon sweep through the zodiac; the Tibetan “Masters of Wisdom;” full moon meditation and “truths” realized in the consciousness; and evolutionary reincarnation. Daily meditations pledge discipleship to astrology, Ashram of Sanat Kumara, “the Planetary Antahkarana as a strong cable of Enlightened Consciousness,” and “energies of the Monad pouring through the head center to the Ajna center.” Its Great Invocation focuses on the knowing as a trained White Magician. The schools textbooks are published by Lucis Trust, Agni Yoga Society and Wisdom Impressions Publications. 

Next, as surreal as all of this is, we’ll dig into how globalism indoctrination came to be required in America’s schools and is subjecting every one of our children to a UN-globalist worldview that is far removed from Biblical.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Sandy Szwarc
As a former registered nurse with a biological science degree, my early clinical practice took me from critical care to triage, case management to medical outreach, but always immersed in research. Writing has been my devotion. I went on to work in communications and editorial in public utilities, publishing, healthcare and public policy. I believe people deserve to know the soundest facts to make informed decisions and that policies affecting peoples' lives should be based on sound evidence and reason…and, most of all, guided by God's word. I never imagined that I would witness this demise and corruption of media, science and medical ethics. Scientific literacy is at the lowest level in my lifetime. Junk science proliferates. I was blessed early in my career to learn scientific reason, and how to discern credible research, from brave men not afraid to question and stand up for what's right. Journalism, in both consumer and professional venues, has ceased to exist. Rather than celebrate the positive things that can come from good science and the wonders of God's creation, we are surrounded by fears, painting a dark and ominous view of the world. Fear sells but it's not used for good and it hurts people. Medical ethics is no longer guided by Christian teachings. It's become eugenics-laced "public health for the common good" and devaluation of life. It's far removed from that taught by the father of medical ethics, Dr. Edmund D. Pellegrino. Healthcare professionals who selflessly follow the original healing ministry of medicine risk everything today. My personal commitment has always been to share information that is as true as I know it to be. I try my best to practice the discernment that the Bible instructs us to do, to test everything and follow what is right and true. I hope, with God's hand, that my research and what I've learned will help people. Sandy currently blog's at: https://junkfoodscience.weebly.com/