James C. Anderson, MD
Richmond, Va.
Virginia Physicians for Life – Statement of Agreement
We affirm the humanity of the pre-born baby from fertilization to birth. We believe that God wants us to defend all life and specifically the helpless baby in the womb since society and the courts have declared them non-persons and therefore not protected under our Constitution. We support the OBGYNs, our fellow colleagues, in their opposition to abortion and their rejection that elective abortion as being a ‘standard of care for unwanted pregnancies’.
In addition to the elective death of the baby, we believe that abortion has profound, adverse effects that not only impact the mother, but also the father, the extended family and society at large as evidenced by our violent culture. When life is devalued in the family, it is inevitably devalued in society at large.
We reaffirm our pledge in the HIPPOCRATIC OATH
If you are a physician here in Virginia, we ask you to pleasedownload our Statement of Agreement and mail it to us so we can add your name to our list of physicians who affirm the sanctity of life.
Download List of Physicians Who Afffirm the Sanctitiy of Life, May 3, 2012