What Is Happening to America?


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Telling the Truth Matters
Brad Huddleston

I was in the thick the Charlottesville riot back in 2017. I wasn’t there to participate in the uprising. I was there to help a friend who works in the media. I’ll never forget how the mainstream media condemned the White Supremacists (and they should have) but gave a pass to the violent Black Lives Matter and other Marxist and Communist rioters. In fact, very little coverage was even given to left-wing extremist groups.

Then, President Trump did the unthinkable. He said, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides, on many sides.”

Suddenly, there seemed to be a “come to Jesus meeting” between Democrats and many Republicans when President Trump had committed the unpardonable sin of moral equivalence. The problem is, he was telling the truth. If you’ve been watching the news recently, it’s clear that truth no longer matters. What is crucial is that we stick the narrative we’re told by the mainstream media, including many on the right.

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What happened in Charlottesville in 2017 looks tame in 2020. It turns out that President Trump has been vindicated many times over, but don’t expect the media to acknowledge it. They’ve moved on to other lies and deceptions.

Christians should always be champions of truth, no matter the cost. After all, our Lord Jesus is “the truth” (John 14:6). In these podcasts about Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Cultural Marxism, and some of the key players, we will tell the truth. Please watch and share. 

What Is Happening to America? Terrance Williams – Part 1


What Is Happening to America? Terrance Williams – Part 2


What Is Happening to America? Terrance Williams – Part 3

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

About the Author

Brad Huddleston
Brad Huddleston is an internationally respected speaker, consultant, teacher and author on important issues such as technology and culture. He has worked with universities, schools, churches and law enforcement, and spoken to hundreds of thousands around the world on both the advantages of well-used technology tools and the dangers of the growing trend toward technology addiction. Brad has an on-going collaboration with the Bureau of Market Research (BMR) and its Neuroscience Division at the University of South Africa. Brad has a degree in Computer Science and a Diploma of Biblical Studies and is a credentialed minister in the Acts 2 Alliance (A2A) movement in Australia. He's also a frequent guest on radio and television and author of Digital Cocaine: A Journey Toward iBalance and The Dark Side of Technology: Restoring Balance in the Digital Age. Brad and his wife, Beth, live in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia in the United States.