ANALYSIS: Understanding the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Jeff Myers’ New Book Provides a Biblical Perspective

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Rob Bluey | The Daily Signal

Long before Hamas’ horrific Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the Jewish homeland was already a flash point of controversy on college campuses and among an increasingly anti-Israel segment of younger Americans who make up Gen Z.

Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries, had taken note of the troubling trend and embarked on a trip to Israel just about 100 days after the Oct. 7 attack to meet with Jews and Arabs, peace activists, and soldiers.

He’s now written a new book, “Should Christians Support Israel? Seeking a Biblical Worldview in an Impossible Situation,” which Summit Ministries is making available for free with a donation.  The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Donate now

“Jews have a physical presence in the land of their history,” Myers said. “Whether you agree with how it happened or how they are stewarding it, this is the reality. It is also a reality that Israel is under attack from every quarter in a battle between competing worldviews. The history of Palestine, the religion of Islam, and the aims of the apocalyptic rape-and-death cult called Hamas all figure in a larger struggle for truth. This is what we urgently need to understand.”

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Myers spoke with The Daily Signal at the Road to Majority Policy Conference last week about why he’s dedicating his time to helping Christians understand the Israel-Palestine conflict. Listen to our conversation on today’s episode of “The Daily Signal Podcast.”


Rob Bluey is president and executive editor of The Daily Signal. 

GET THE BOOK, with any donation

In Should Christians Support Israel? Seeking a Biblical Worldview in an Impossible Situation, Dr. Myers helps us understand

  • the indoctrination that is taking place,
  • the war between competing worldviews,
  • the history of Israel and Palestine and the worldviews
  • behind them,
  • the tactics of the apocalyptic rape and death cult called Hamas,
  • the nature of just war and genocide,
  • how the world might move forward based on a biblical worldview, and
  • lessons in resilience and hope for our time.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views the Virginia Christian Alliance

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Daily Signal
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